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  Nick Adonis vs. Gabe Steel*  

Nick Adonis: 6', 210 lbs

Arms raised high, Nick stands tall over the splayed out muscled beef of his opponent

Gabe gets stripped of everything but his dignity (but don't worry...Nick will see to that...)

Stripped of his gear, Gabe barely clings to consciousness, bent back in a camel variation

With both studs completely nude, the primal battle for dominance is on with Gabe in a bearhug

Gabe's newly-minted mouthwatering muscle starts to fail, his back weakening in the crushing bearhug

"This is what everybody wants, right here!"

Gabe Steel has been nursing a grudge. A few years ago, it seems, he called out big Nick Adonis, and Gabe got his sensationally hot ass handed to him. But since that humbling loss, Gabe's been packing on muscle and transforming himself into a rising heel. The moment he saw Nick join the roster, he started chomping at the bit to get his hands on his old nemesis again and show big Nick a few of the things he's learned in the crucible of competing for BG East.

"You know," Gabe sneers when Nick climbs into the ring. "I've been training since last time. I just needed to put on a little more size to take you on." Nick's gargantuan muscles are still bigger, but not by much. The two massively muscled hunks standing side by side in the ring are a stunning sight. "You look better," Nick begrudgingly admits, checking out Gabe's fresh thickness. He doesn't look too worried though as they immediately begin to circle, poised for attack.

The battle has the instant heat that only comes from a long-simmering grudge. Both muscle men are focused on throwing their weight around and proving who possesses superior mass and strength. Nick owns Gabe in their brutal test of strength, tauntingly dragging the outmuscled hunk up and powering him back down to his knees again and again. It's looking like Gabe's on track to get his fine ass handed to him yet again, until the now-seasoned muscle hunk stops Nick's momentum cold with a vicious stomp to the gut. With absolutely no love lost, these brickhouse beasts drive barrages of brutal punches into each other's faces. They stomp and chop and knee each other's rock hard bodies in brutal back and forth battle!

Everything Nick throws at Gabe, the freshly minted muscle star delivers right back to him. These specimens are both big enough to do serious damage, and that what they set out to do. Chokes, rakes to the eyes, and vicious kicks to the balls give this the strong, salty flavor of a sweaty brawl between bitter rivals. But even Gabe's new muscle mass and extensive experience struggle now to keep up with Nick's relentless action. A kick to those steely balls can't bring Gabe down, but a stomp to the face has the pretty boy seeing stars. Nick starts hoisting Gabe around the ring like a sack of flour, pounding the stunned stud onto the ring, into the corner, right up against Nick's fists and knees and huge pecs.

Gabe's been dreaming revenge for years, but never saw this beating coming. Nick isn't satisfied with just another victory: he's out to beat the smirk off Gabe's handsome face for good, and teach the muscle heel a lesson that only getting stripped naked and bearhugged into begging for mercy can teach. "Feels like someone's dick is getting hard," Nick taunts, calling into question everything about this match, starting with exactly what Gabe's been looking forward to this rematch for in the first place. He's wrecked and enjoying it!


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Nick Adonis vs. Gabe Steel*
25 minutes

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With his opponent's arms hooked up his back, Nick hoists and suspends his longtime rival

A bare-assed Nick hoists and carts Gabe around the ring and continues working him over with a bearhug

Gabe's thirst for vengeance remains unquenched as Nick goes 2-0 over his rival with a soul-sucking sleeper

Gabe manages to get the upperhand, maneuvering Nick into the corner with a big grinding boot to the face

Neutralizing Nick's massive arm, Gabe crushes and squeezes his skull in a massive headscissors

Gabe's body starts to break, bending backwards, flagging and failing in a punishing bearhug

Gabe Steel: 5'9, 210 lbs

Nick's height advantage looks to be the key decider in the test of strength, driving Gabe down

Sweet, sweet revenge! Gabe's new muscles pay off as he flexes before a grovelling, aching foe

Proving he's still the big man on campus, Nick hoists his challenger in a backbreaking bearhug

Nick will not let Gabe get one over on him their rematch as he brings him down with a powerbomb

Gabe gets brought to his knees, leashed and garroted by his opponent's sweat-soaked gear

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