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  Anton Alvarez vs. Sunny DeLeon

Anton Alvarez: 5'7, 175 lbs

Sunny gets snatched up from behind by Anton's bigger arms in a rib-crushing reverse bearhug

Driving his boot into his smaller foe's spine, Anton wrenches Sunny's shoulders out of their sockets

Bent over Anton's knee like an errant child, Sunny gets stripped of his gear for a well-earned spanking

Anton cranks back on his victim's arms and stretches him out in a high-arching surfboard submission

Bare-assed and inverted, Sunny's world gets turned upside down as he's carried over for a bodyslam

Caught in a Trap

Comparing arm ties highlighting their biceps, Anton quips, "It looks like we shopped at the same store." With a sly glimmer of a grin, Sunny notes that his strings are longer than Anton's. Anton smiles: he gets the size reference, "You're a comedian, o-kay!" Both men smile and nod. They have broken the ice, cautiously, but their eyes remain fixed sizing each other up. Both seem nervous. Sunny has more BGE ring experience, but Anton is very active and the beefier of the two. "There's only one way to see what we got," says Anton, loosening his limbs for the contest. "Bring it," challenges Sunny.

Anton tries to corner Sunny, but nimble Sunny tumbles past his opponent. On the third try, the two lock up collar and elbow. Sunny traps Anton in his tight side headlock. Anton uses his muscle advantage and throws Sunny over his head. Sunny lands painfully on his lower vertebrae. Anton doesn't wait to cash in on the move; he gets behind Sunny and clamps the guy's ribs in a reverse bearhug. Sunny wails as Anton whips his slender body back and forth, rattling the ligaments. Then Anton casts him face down on the mat. Like a flash flood, the pain rushes through every inch of his body.

"How do you feel, little guy?" Sunny replies to the question with an almost audible shiver. Anton's kneecap digs into Sunny's upper spine. Sunny's face is contorted in pain and dread, but he refuses to submit. His body arching over Anton's, knees still digging into bone and muscle. Sunny refuses to surrender, but then, a sudden shift: he can't stop himself from howling, and at last he cries out, "I give! I give!" Just like that, Alvarez lets go, and DeLeon falls on the mat. Anton pulls him to his feet, then body slams him.

Alvarez hauls Sunny up into a bearhug, chest to chest. Sunny sobs like a baby as Alvarez's forearms dig into Sunny's ribs. Then Alvarez hurls him back to the mat, yanks him back to his feet to pummel him against the corner ropes, and THEN body slams the poor kid. Suddenly, a miracle! In the midst of splaying Sunny's legs and punching his gut almost nonstop, Anton skips a beat, providing Sunny with a window of opportunity. DeLeon grabs Alvarez's left arm and twists it behind the man's back, hiking the wrist upwards to augment the pain. Now it's Anton's turn to holler as Sunny, teeth bared, sends shivers of pain up and down the captured arm and outwards to the rest of the body.

For a mere minute, Sunny's the man in charge, and he squeezes out as much vengeance and pain as possible. Anton's cruelty for no reason switches to cruelty with a purpose, that is, for injuries newly rendered. He's three times as cruel as he was the minute before, and he strikes back with an iron fist. But now Sunny has had a taste for bodily harm, and we see the ring rock back and forth between these warriors. Playing off the ropes, peeling off gear, nipple tweaking, body slamming (with greater vigor than before), and turnbuckle torture, rage is busting out, and it's a fair bet that Sunny is about to get squashed!

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Fights 12: No Escape


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Anton Alvarez vs. Sunny DeLeon
26 minutes

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Sunny gets a faceful of pit as he's trapped and wrapped in the ropes with an inverted headlock

Sunny's world comes crashing down as Anton drops him backfirst on the unforgiving canvas

Sunny gets draped across Anton's broad shoulders, his lean muscle wrecked in a torture rack

Sunny wraps his lean, powerful legs around his bigger foe and works an armlock in a bodyscissors

Anton bends and breaks the lean jobber over his knees, keeping him arched with a leglock

With a boot digging into his spine, Anton bends and stretches Sunny out in a bow-and-arrow

Sunny DeLeon: 5'6, 145 lbs

Anton stretches and bends his smaller opponent in a painful over the knee backbreaker

Poor cute Sunny gets absolutely ragdolles by his bigger challenger in a painful abstretch variation

Anton continues to work the shit out of Sunny's shoulders as he clamps down on a bodyscissors

Sunny gets driven backfirst into the turnbuckles as the beefy bruiser brutally batters his tight abs

Anton tortures Sunny's back and shoulders with a grounded, arching surfboard submission hold

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