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  Braden Charron vs. Pete Sharp  

Pete Sharp - 6'2, 170 lbs.

Pete's provocative gear pops as he powers the more thickly muscled pink-clad punk into a full-nelson

Pretty Pete's perfectly-applied bearhug brings Braden perilously close to rasping a submission

Pete's perfectly sharp muscled thighs and powerfully-packed python dangle as he endures a boston

Pretty Pete Sharp suffers on the canvas as big, bad Braden stomps his muscular bod into the mat

Jobber-No-More or Rising Star?

Braden Charron has had a bumpy ride throughout the ranks of BG East, to say the least. Our most vicious heels consistently name Braden as the muscle boy that they most want to bash, even as his fan following grows as stunningly as his muscles. However, beautiful Braden is not the same, doe-eyed, inexperienced gym bunny that first arrived on our doorstep a few years ago. Sure, he has had that magnificent bubble butt handed to him time and time again, but his persistence has begun to pay off. With his quickly expanding wrestling resume, Braden has recently scored some impressive victories that can only be described as "upsets" for a fantasy man who has long been relegated to the rank of jobber. In fact, his career has reached a pivotal point. A few more decisive victories against the right opponents may finally earn Braden his "Get-Out-of-Jobberville-Free" card, and Braden is longing to be taken seriously for more than just his drop dead gorgeous body.

Pete Sharp is precisely the type of opponent that Braden has got to beat to unburden himself of the mantle of jobber. Pete has wrestled for us only twice before, demanding well-earned respect from his opponents and commanding an instantly huge fan base in return. Fans and wrestlers alike have rallied behind the blond, blue-eyed golden boy for obvious reasons. Never one to enjoy being called "pretty," Pete works twice as hard as anyone else to prove that he's far more than a pretty face and a stunningly sexy body. Pete has taken to BG East's particular style of wrestling with enthusiasm, taking his knocks but never failing to impress with his power and persistence. What Pete lacks in extensive wrestling experience, he more than makes up for in raw strength and tenacity. Pete's star certainly looks like he's a hunk on the rise, and if Braden is going to have any chance to shirk the mantle of jobber, he'll have to put the kibosh on "pretty" Pete's ascendency.

"Another rookie," Braden sneers as Pete approaches the ring. Braden's bulging, tanned body looks stunning in tiny pink trunks, and he knows it. He can't tear his eyes away from the sight of his flexing muscles staring back at him in the mirror. However, if anyone can compete with Braden when it comes to sheer beauty, it's got to be Pete. Making his ring debut in stunning red square cut trunks with matching boots, the rookie is breathtaking.

"Do you really think you're up to this task of stepping in my ring?" Braden asks him. "This is BG. I've been here for years now, and you're coming in all tall and..." Braden's train of thought is understandably interrupted as he gives every stunning inch of Pete's 6'2" physique an appraising once-over. "You look like one of those physique models!" Braden nods appreciatively. "Not bad. So you think you're ready for this?" He sits on the middle rope, to hospitably welcome Pete into the BG East ring for the very first time.


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Braden Charron vs. Pete Sharp
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Both studs' perfect, phenomenal physiques prominently exhibited in Braden's nasty torture rack

A beaten and broken Pete clutches his abs on the mat as Braden flexes in victory for the camera

Braden Charron - 5'8, 185 lbs.

Pete is brought to a knee with his face hovering perilously close to the bulge of the bronzed Atlas

Braden's face set in grim determination, Pete's grimacing as he tries to power his taller body free

A single leg boston variation is applied, Braden destroying his opponent's lower back with an elbow

Adding insult to injury: Braden flexes and pops a peaked bicep while working a powerful camel

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