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  Dimitri vs. Ash DeLeon

Dimitri: 174 cm, 78 kg (5'9", 171 lbs)

DeLeon maybe getting ahead of himself as he challenges the bigger man to a test of strength

Ash finds himself paying for his impertinence as a trash-talking Dimitri looms, scolding him

The Frenchman finds himself in foreign territory, on the verge of tapping out to his smaller foe's b

Ash is driven and pinned into the corner with a blatant choke from a dominant Dimitri

Dimitri gazes out over the American crowd and wrestlers with complete and utter contempt

Heart of a Lion or In Over Your Head?

Some wrestlers are not to be underestimated, and Dimitri is high on that list. This hunky slab of beef has been tearing up the European wrestling scene so fiercely he's found himself a lack of opponents willing to face him, and now he's crossed the Atlantic just for a chance to tear into some hapless foes who don't know what they're getting into. He nearly found himself a challenger this night, but the word around the BGE locker room is that when his upcoming opponent did a little digging into who he would be facing, Dimitri's challenger suddenly decided it would be a better idea to slip quietly out the back before he could be dragged to the ring for his promised match.

When Dimitri finds himself without an opponent, he's thoroughly disappointed, but truthfully not all that surprised. With the help of a translator, the Frenchman makes it clear he wasn't expecting much from any wrestler he might face tonight, and since (to him) they're all the same, he issues an open challenge to anyone in the venue who thinks they stand a chance. A BGE event is guaranteed to find more than a few wrestlers in the crowd, but as the seconds tick by, no one seems to be stepping up to put the intimidating hunk in his place, until Ash DeLeon comes forward.

Ash is certainly an up-and-comer at BGE, but someone might want to have a talk with the boy about knowing his limitations. Giving up plenty of size and experience to the brawny foreign stud, Ash still cuts an trim and fit figure in the ring, easily a match for most men, but Dimitri isn't "most men." The French wrestler has a perpetually intimidating aura about him, and as he watches Ash enter the ring we see his expression shift from a sneer of dismissal, to a leer of hungry anticipation. Is Ash's decision a youthful folly, or has all his training with veteran BGE alums given the studboy a well-deserved confidence?

Folly seems the likelier answer as the action kicks off, and Ash goes down hard in the opening seconds. As fast as he is to get back to his feet, Dimitri is just as fast in slamming Ash back down to the canvas, and his offensive doesn't let up from there, the hits piling up as Ash is taken down again and again and made to suffer for his mistake. The foreign fighter stalks hungrily around his fallen victim, a glare of fierce determination as he mulls over just how to go about disassembling poor Ash, but the downed warrior refuses to quit. Each time he falls, Ash drags himself back up. With each submission hold Dimitri twists and crushes his body in, he refuses to submit. Dimitri may be killer of men (and easy on the eyes to boot), but Ash DeLeon proves he has the heart of a lion as he resists and fights back.

Clearly outmatched, Ash is still not without his moments of offense, and after minutes of brutal, one-sided battering, he manages to catch his cocky opponent off guard and drop him just as hard. Soon Dimitri finds himself in unfamiliar territory, trapped and on the verge of submitting to what he thought was a weaker opponent. But a man like Dimitri isn't all bluff, and he's not so easy to put down. Ash isn't out of the woods yet, and when Dimitri breaks free, we can clearly see that while the beating Ash has suffered has taken its toll, his brief offensive has only enraged his egotistical opponent. Bruised but not yet beaten, Ash tries to rally as the crowd gets behind him, but there's only so much a body can take. Will the rookie heel pull out an upset win, or has he just set himself up for a world of hurt tonight?

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With Pride 2


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Dimitri vs. Ash DeLeon
19 minutes

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Ash gets a faceful of Dimitri's beefy pecs as his energy and fight starts to wane

As if he hasn't learned his lesson yet, Ash struggles once more to get up off the mat

Dimitri aims to finally put the insane challenger DeLeon away with a mid-ring pin

A hurt Dimitri kneels and recovers from the effects of Ash's surprising ring-wrestling offense

The posts rattle as Dimitri carries Ash up and over for a big, rinf-shaking suplex

Better luck next time! Ash DeLeon lays battered, beaten, and bruised in his pro-ring debut

Dimitri props himself up, reclining in the turnbuckles when his replacement opponent is introduced

Ash soars in his legit pro-wrestling ring debut with a flying dropkick on his bigger opponent

The hulking mass of French muscle known as Dimitri scales the turnbuckles for his BGE debut

Dimitri backs Ash into a corner of his own-making and proceeds to pick him apart, piece-by-piece

Ash roars back into contention against the French stud with a back-bending boston crab

Dimitri continues to play with his food as he musses the hair of his injured, flagging prey

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