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  Ace Aarons vs. Chase Addams

Aarons twists and turns as he tries to escape the armlock he finds himself trapped in

Addams forces Aarons to get out of his face as he battles back from underneath

Addams battles out of a precarious position with a down and dirty eye gouge to Aarons

The sweaty combatants let their lust take over as Aarons nibbles the neck of his hair-pulled foe

Addams is yanked up onto his opponent's shoulders for a ring shaking body drop

Aarons gets his face ground into the mat with his arm wrenched high and twisted

Not So Fucking Charming?

Chase Addams is so focused on his pre-match ring ritual he doesn't notice what's lurking in the shadows of the Arena. Just behind him is a scheming Ace, who has already been cockily contemplating how things will go down. Chase quickly throws his warm-up shirt at his opponent but is dumbfounded when he sees Aarons taking a sniff and enjoying its smell. Chase puts his arm up for a test of strength, but Ace is insulted by the gesture. "Is that what you came here for? 'Cause that's not what I came here for..." Ace is just in the mood for a different kind of fight today: the one that ends up with him on top of his opponent... or should I say, topping his opponent. After Chase takes issue with the innuendos, Aarons 'agrees' to do things Addams' way.

A new test of strength leaves Ace in an extremely close position to Chase packed goods, which prompts Addams to release the following headlock before Ace goes back to his original plan. "I don't know why you are playing so hard to get. Don't act like you can resist me." Ace is confident he can own Chase either way, so he offers himself in the referee's position. "How about this? Go ahead, free shot for you."

"I see what game you're playing. You're trying to get into my head," Chase says, immediately turning Ace around and putting him in a cloverleaf hold. Ace is quick to grab the ropes and laugh at the whole situation. "I don't want to get into your head. I just want to get some head." The unwanted advances continue as Ace regains control. Ear whispering and butt slapping are met with a pivoting reversable figure-4 that draws anguish to both of their faces. Tired from the back and forth and thinking he has seen the best of Chase's arsenal, Ace hoists Addams to the top turnbuckle, spreads his legs, and gets him ready to show him "his best" too. "Who said I showed you my best?" Chase retorts. Now wanting to shut Ace once and for all, Addams focuses on really hurting his deceiving foe with a Muta lock that, unfortunately for him, leaves his bulge to Ace's mercy.

Slowly realizing he is running out of options to deal with this enemy, Chase literally takes matters into his own hands. "Maybe it's time I play your game a little bit." A Boston crab gets modified to a single leg crab so the free hand can go all the way down to squeeze Ace's biggest target. Although it's been Ace who has been pushing the sexed-up action, he knows Chase is not a stranger to it. It just might be a matter of continuing to push the right buttons to finally get all the access.

Respectful rope 'breaks' keep saving both wrestlers either from inappropriate behavior or an almost guaranteed submission as a flurry of creative holds schools the competition. The action continues to swing back and forth, strolling the fine line between passion and punishment. One wrestler finally seems to convince the other of his intentions, calming things down and luring him into a trap not even us could see coming! A lascivious 10-count finishes the match, but does it leave everyone satisfied...?

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Spotlight: Ace Aarons


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Ace Aarons vs. Chase Addams
28 minutes

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Wrestler Spotlight: Ace Aarons Arena Galleries

FREE Action Clip on Arena

Aarons gets his arm yanked and his skull crushed in his lean opponent's headscissors

Addams arches high with a back-bending, leg-locking, chinlock on his dazed foe

Aarons clings desperately to the ring ropes to force a break on the crossface variation

Chase uses the ropes as he pushes up high with a tight-constricting figure four headscissors

Chase executes an almost perfect wheel pose with a punishing figure four leglock

Aarons grins gleefully down in the face of his trapped, cradled, cocky opponent

With his opponent trapped under his knees, Addams works his trapped arm and shoulder

Yelping like a whipped dog, Addams scrambles and tries to escape the spanking leglock

A seated Aarons gets two big handfuls of a prostrated Charming One's assets

Aarons finding himself on the wrong end of an ass beating with his legs locked and arm pulled

Aarons turns Addams world upside down and looks prepared to finish him off once and for all

Setting up for a boston, Aarons gets his balls busted by his down (but not out) opponent

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