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  Calvin Haynes vs. Kirk Donahue

Calvin Haynes: 5'9", 200 lbs

Kirk employs the ropes for leverage as he crushes Calvin's throat, choking him underfoot.

Calvin's big burly arms tighten and constrict around the smaller Kirk in a crushing bearhug.

Kirk is all smiles as he drops Calvin to the mat with a tight, constricting sleeperhold.

Throwing up a single bicep flex, Kirk holds the reigns with a knockout of his bigger opponent.

A new darker Kirk Donahue takes center stage in Calvin Haynes' own spotlight.

Mirror, Mirror...

Calvin has already put on a fine show in this Spotlight, taking on his pound for pound equal in Grant, and a more experienced fighter in Mason, to the mats in the first two matches. But he wants more. Calvin's dreaming of coming out on top in the arena he's rarely fared well in -- the ring! He looks every bit the part of a heavyweight pro as the scene opens on him facing down... Kirk Donahue?

Perhaps Calvin is setting himself up for success here. After all, Kirk may be an extraordinary wrestler, but time and again he's come up short when it came time to seal the deal and secure the win. Calvin has already gone toe to toe with Grant Connors, and Grant made a decidedly chokable jobber out of Donahue in their mat match. Kirk may be in for another rough ride today, not that he hasn't proven that ripped body of his can take it.

But something seems different about Donahue today. A certain gleam in his eye, a sneer on the verge of becoming a snarl, he seems almost... heelish? A different Kirk? Before the match even begins he tries to blindside Calvin, but his sneak attack barely fazes the bigger, burlier wrestler. Seemingly undaunted, Kirk strikes again, and again, only to be caught up in a bearhug by the man of the hour... until a rake to the eyes (!) leaves Calvin reeling in the corner, and Kirk is on the offensive again.

Calvin's dream of a fresh new start and a fierce reputation among the BGE roster is quickly becoming a nightmare as he's repeatedly unbalanced by a man who's been called one of the hottest jobbers around the BGE arena! Is this really the Kirk we know? His attacks are vicious even when they aren't downright illegal, from the hard body shots and chokes to the low blows and knees to the throat, even raking all ten fingers down that broad, beefy back and making Calvin writhe in torturous agony.

Haynes is far from done and he still packs plenty of power in those rippling muscles, but try as he might he can't keep the prettyboy down. Crushing bearhugs and slams send Donahue to the mat over and over, sweat running down his chiseled torso, pale skin turning redder with each pounding, but the punishment only fires him up more, and Kirk launches himself up off the mat each time for another ferocious attack.

Kirk has always been a diehard, but now -- he doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word quit. Has he taken a page from Calvin's book and decided to leave his middling record behind? Or is something more sinister at play here? The fierceness of his attacks, his disregard for the rules, his disdain for sportsmanship, even his use of foreign objects and his refusal to release a hold when Calvin finally pleads submission, Kirk seems like an entirely different person.

As Calvin finally begins to buckle under the brutal assault, he tries to rally in hopes his opponent is reaching his limit hidden behind a snarling poker face. Will Calvin's dream see him walking (or limping) away with his head held high in victory? Or will this dream turned nightmare end in a newer, darker Kirk Donahue stealing the spotlight?

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Spotlight: Calvin Haynes*


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Calvin Haynes vs. Kirk Donahue
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A kneeling Kirk throws up a double bicep flex as he crushes Calvin with a headscissor.

Calvin throws his (and Kirk's!) weight around with a powerful, crushing bearhug.

A tight sleeperhold has the lights dimming in Calvin's eyes as, gasping, he fades out.

Calvin suffers and claws at Kirk's biceps as the sleeperhold takes him down and out.

Pushing up on the ropes, Kirk works his legs in a headscissor on the flagging, fading Calvin.

Kirk kneels over Calvin with a victorious headscissors as he steals Calvin's spotlight.

A new Kirk Donahue?: 5'10, 175 lbs

Calvin looks to give Kirk yet another defeat in an inverted, reverse bearhug.

Donahue looks to slow down the big boy with a dirty choke with his wrist wraps.

Kirk arches and cries out as his ribcage is crushed in a brutal reverse bearhug.

Calvin kicks and bucks desperately as Kirk kneels across his throat with a rope assist.

Evil Kirk cuts Calvin down to size, employing the ropes in an ankle-snapping leglock.

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