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  Chase Addams vs. Drake Marcos

Drake Marcos: 5'10, 155 lbs

Drake never skips a chance to revel in his control with a deep-digging ab claw on Chase

Chase primps and poses taking his rightful place atop the broken mat wrestlng veteran

Drake lets Chase get up and close and personal with the mats with a bicep flexing foot stomp

A beautiful high-arching leglock chin pull variation shows Drake is out of his depth in the ring

Charming Chase Addams throws up a bicep flex as he prepares for battle with Drake

"Sinking your tacky little tug boat of a tag team"

Best Mat Battle 2018
BG East fans first met Chase Addams in his much-lauded and ultimately doomed debut as Ty Alexander's tag-team partner in Tag Team Torture 19. Arriving on the scene attached to a lightning rod like Ty is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, never before has a wrestler debuted in a match that would go on to be selected the Best Overall Match of the year. On the other hand, finding the light of day while trying to step out of Ty's long shadow can be difficult. Early in his career, Chase's desire to make a name for himself was persistently plagued by being remembered merely as "one of the Trophy Boys." That's why Chase began to forge his solo career by brutally beating his tag team partner in one of the most bitter ring break-ups in history.

Drake Marcos has his own troubled history with Ty. Their on-again-off-again friendship turned decisively off again when Drake discovered that clothes-horse-Ty had stolen a pair of his designer briefs. Their epic gear fetish grudge match in Babyface Brawl X was punctuated by the "gizz slap" heard round the world, as Drake reclaimed his briefs and disowned his former friend once and for all. When he learned that Ty had found a tasty new pretty boy to replace him as his wrestling bestie, Drake promptly took their feud to the next level, cornering Chase in the mat room to dish out some vicarious humiliation.

"I'll beat your pretty ass, just like I beat your friend earlier," Drake snarls, shoving Chase into the wall. "He's not my friend," Chase snaps back bitterly. "We're done!" But Drake's never heard that the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Pointedly dangerous on the mats, he drags his opponent to the ground and in seconds is perched on top of him in a schoolboy pin. "I'm going to humiliate you just as thoroughly as I did him," he announces, burying Chase's face in his crotch. "Maybe if you play nice," he says with a sneer, "there will be a nice gizz-slap in it for you, too!"

But nobody plays nice in this mat room mayhem. Chase is determined not to be bullied by the upperclassman, but his mat wrestling experience is limited. Drake outhustles him repeatedly, wearing him out in endless variations of crushing scissor holds. He wedgies the rookie's yellow trunks high up his crack and spanks Chase's alabaster ass until it's covered in beet red palm prints. A particularly sadistic single leg crab threatens to break the rookie in half. "How far can you bend before you tap like your little bitch buddy," Drake asks a couple of seconds before Chase taps out a panicked submission. He rubs the loser's face in the sweat soaked mat humiliatingly. "Looks like you and your tag team partner have a lot in common," Drake taunts.

"Ty and I have nothing in common," Chase screams, coming unhinged. Outmatched in mat skills, Chase turns to his strong suit, pro wrestling heel tactics. Vicious kicks to soft tissue knock the grin off of the Cheshire Cat. Using his long legs to lock down a chicken wing hold, Chase stretches the veteran out and claws his balls until he makes Drake scream, "I'm a little bitch!"

By mutual agreement the increasingly bitter battlers agree to settle the decisive fall in the ring. The decision is transparent hubris for Drake, who has never walked out of a wrestling ring uninjured or with his dignity intact. He simply has no respect for a rookie with big pro wrestling dreams and precious little experience. "So is this the part where you fake hit me, and I pretend that it hurt," he asks as they circle the middle of the ring warily. "No, we don't do that," Chase says, landing a cracking roundhouse slap to the side of the face that nearly spins Drake's head all the way around. "This is the part where I really hit you!"

One testosterone-fueled young stud is eventually knocked out cold with a pile driver and left sleeping it off in a pool of his own sweat, but honestly, the real winner of this match didn't have to lift a finger. The rage and bitterness of both wrestlers was really aimed elsewhere, and all of the agony and humiliation they put one another through this day left a certain infuriating Trophy Boy untouched and able to enjoy watching his nemeses punish one another on tape, just like you!

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Spotlight: Chase Addams


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Chase Addams vs. Drake Marcos
32 minutes

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Drake prostrated on the mat with a spine torturing double armbar hold from the ring twink

Addam's derriere exposed and wedgied before Drake with a double hammerlock

How much more can Drake take before he's forced to tap to Chase's crippling crossface?

Drake wipes the mats clean with Chase's carcass with a punishing figure four headscissors

Chase teaches Drake not to underestimate the underclassman's mat wrestling prowess

Chase gets his face ground into the mat with Drake's double armbar stretch

Chase Addams: 6', 170 lbs

Chase is just as devious and dangerous on the mats with a headlocked nostril-stretching face claw

Chase corners and chastises Drake with a rope-assisted crotch to face headscissors

Chase puts Drake through the ringer in a tour of ring wrestling know-how with a backbending swing

Drake still reeling from a stinging bitchslap leaves him easy picking for Chase's Diva-styled leg lo

A beefier Drake Marcos flashes his trademark smile ahead of his faceoff with Addams

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