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  Zip Zarella vs. Cap Landon

Zip Zarella: 6'0, 205 lbs

Zarella drops a gasping Landon to his ass with a neck-snapping reverse chinlock

Cap climbs the turnbuckles to lord his dominance over his inept prettyboy partner

Landon finds himself trapped, choked, and ridden in the ropes by his bigger ex-partner

Zip gazes down dismissively at Cap with a single bicep flex, knee-to-throat choking pin

Zarella brings his considerable size advantage to bear with a spine-snapping bearhug

It's a thin line between love and hate

"This is the part where you run away," Cap Landon snarls as he arrives at ringside to find his recently-former tag team partner Zip Zarella stretching out. Their painstakingly planned attempt at establishing themselves as the premier tag team came to a humiliating halt at the lone hands of Austin Cooper. The veneer of mutual admiration and bromantic affection between them crumbled to the ground when it came time to assess what went wrong in what should have been a double-team romp over one of the biggest names in the business.

What defined their complementary strengths as a team now stands in stark contrast as they tear into one another as opponents. Thickly muscled, tanned and toned, and pumped for pummeling, Zip was the heavy hitter and powerhouse of the now-defunct "Team Leprechaun." Long, lean and devoted to green, Cap had supplied the speed and submission holds in their collaboration. Wrestling out of the same corner, they were the total package, with an arsenal of weapons between them to fit almost any occasion. But now, turned against one another in a vicious grudge match, as a painful postmortem of their tag team brilliance, they form an ugly mismatch of styles and strengths.

Their fury is unleashed within moments of Cap's climbing into the ring. The contest resembles more of a brawl than a wrestling match. Fists swing wildly, with little care for what they hit, as long as they hit hard. In the middle of the opening melee, Cap lands a vicious kick to the gut that may, or may not, have grazed Zip's prominent package. It's no concern to Cap either way if it was a low blow. It hurt his ex-partner, and even more satisfyingly, it shut Zip up. "You shouldn't have betrayed me," Cap growls, grabbing him by the back of the neck and pounding his face savagely into a turnbuckle.

A disregard for the rules quickly escalates into a sprint to the bottom, as both bitter battlers turn intentionally nasty. Zip rakes Caps eyes to stop the raging lightweight in his tracks. Cap skirts the rules with hair pulls and tying Zip up in the ropes for extracurricular abuse. Open chokes and ignored submissions signal that there's nothing that these scorned besties won't do to settle the score.

"We were supposed to be friends," Cap yells furiously. "This wasn't supposed to happen," he snarls, grabbing Zip by the head and dropping him into a teeth-chipping jawbreaker. When Zip catches his breath and muscles back into the driver's seat, he locks down a full nelson and twirls Cap helplessly in circles, tearing him apart and turning his stomach. "Now we're getting to some fun stuff," Zip crows, flexing endlessly over the top of his writhing opponent. The battle to be the last scorned bro standing teeters back and forth. They trade finishers, but they know each other's moves too well. Neither stud is quite able to make their former friend admit, once and for all, that he was to blame for the demise of their tag team potential. A shocking and decisive DDT delivers the final act of betrayal and abruptly silences the recriminations. The better man wipes his feet in his face of his foe, vowing never to rely on another man to share the load in the ring.

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Spotlight: Zip Zarella


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Zip Zarella vs. Cap Landon
26 minutes

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FREE Action Clip on Arena

Cutie Cap finds a face full of Zip's boot with a torturous turnbuckle choke

Landon writhes, a knotted mass of pain, as his former teammate flexes victoriously

Zarella laughs, awash in Landon's pain with a pulverizing bodyscissors

Landon remains a thorn in Zarella's side with a humbling, humiliating turnbuckle boot choke

Zarella hangs from the ropes with a vicious cornered bootchoke to his much smaller foe

Landon lets out a cry of pain as he's broken in a knee to spine surfboard submission

Cap Landon: 5'8, 140 lbs

Cap proves that he's not to blame for the team's loss with a reverse chinlock to the tatted heel

Zip lets centrifugal force torture lean cutie Cap's joints with a neck-crunching, tilt-a-whirl full

Zarella drinks in his own muscled perfection with a mirror flex over his leg-tied opponent

Zarella seeks to put his pint-sized (former) partner away with a blatant, two-handed choke

The bromance is dead as Zip flexes and takes one (of many) last look(s) at himself

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