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  Patrick Donovan vs. Joshua Goodman

Patrick Donovan - 6'1, 172 lbs

Patrick scores the first sexy pin

A snug as a bug spladle split pin

Get mean! Patrick gasps for air

Wedgie time! Mr. Joshua traps Patrick's face in his crotch, yanks on a foot and a handful of trunks

The Rivals, or, Three Layers of Fun

Our main event features two of BG East's most popular and durable legends: Patrick Donovan and Joshua Goodman. This is a ring match, but unexpectedly we find the two men on the mat in t-shirts and jeans, sparring like a couple of frat boys stoked on Red Bull. So eager to get their hands on one another, the two studs go at it fully clothed. And there's something inexplicably but undeniably sexy and uber-masculine about pinning an opponent under your tight denim jeans, or trapping his face between levi-covered quads. It certainly seems to 'stir' our Patrick to dominate the action! They pant and tangle, evenly matched, focusing on by-the-book 'scientific' grappling at first. Nothing dramatic - not yet, anyway - just a good-natured tussle at the end of a hard day, sizing up each other's strengths and potential weaknesses, hinting at a sexy serious subtext. The men wrestle to relieve stress and get the old wrestling juices flowing again. As the action heats up, the shirts come off. When Mr. J mouths off that Patrick has wanted him shirtless all along, Patrick twists him up in a pretzel, using his opponent's own body to bind and punish.

At this point we begin to make out what the stakes are - rip and strip, and who knows what will follow. Workout casuals give way to sexy longer tights, and the horseplay starts getting less playful and more rough. Goodman doesn't like the way Donovan slaps him about. For Donovan's part, these slaps aim half to sting the flesh and half to notch the action up a level or two. He wants to put the "Mister" through his paces. They are enough of a spur to bring out Goodman's best, as we see the kinds of moves and holds the man is capable of. Lest we begin to think Mister Joshua is all glamour and talk, he shows us he is, first and foremost, a wrestler. And then there's the signature move - Mr. J's perpetual need to adjust the lay of his huge cock within the pouch of his always sexy gear.

Goodman has got one of the most classically beautiful bodies at BG East, and he is in top condition here. Donovan aims to punish the man's arms and legs. Once he incapacitates Joshua limb by limb, he can freely torment that godlike torso to his heart's content. Goodman makes him work for every bit of it - and, usually so calm, collected, and cool, Patrick starts breaking a sweat surprisingly early. Goodman is at least as smart as Donovan in wrestling strategy, and he lets his opponent wear himself out. Then he locks Patrick's head between his knees and pounds the dude's face repeatedly to the canvas. Among his many other assets, Mister Joshua is a sadist with a high sense of style. He claws Patrick's pec and armpit, deep, sticky gouges and slow, tight, and grunting clenches that will make you sweat every bit as much as Patrick before this fight is over.

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Spotlight: Patrick Donovan


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Patrick Donovan vs. Joshua Goodman
38 minutes

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A modified Boston crab

Pinned and punked! Patrick's pouch gets punished by sexy sadistic Mister Joshua Goodman

Joshua Godman - 5'10, 180 lbs

Gutbash and body scissors!

Ball grab, racked, ready to quit?

Camel! Donovan dominated

Donovan dominates with a face-smothering schoolboy pin while Josh's jewels get grabbed and groped

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