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  Rio Garza vs. Jaguar

Rio in skimpy blues - 6', 185

Jag's leg pumpin' shoulder ripper

Camel clutch/pec claw combo

Double pec claw from behind

The pretty boy in pain: Rio holding his battered & bruised perfect pecs

Rio's Pec-tacular Workout/Workover!

Four matches and four straight defeats is an ignominious record for a wrestler. But being rip 'n stripped to a jockstrap, KO'ed and hogtied by an oft-pummelled punching bag like Kieran hit Rio particularly hard. We admit maybe we should have untied him and nursed his wounds before he revived, but, quite frankly, we felt obligated to take a few pictures for The Arena. "Walk it off, champ," The Boss advised. "Sure, you got your ass handed to you, but hey, that's one hell of an ass! And anyway, what the hell are you worried about? The fans love you! And so do I. That's all you need to know." Cold comfort indeed.

Rio hits the weights hard, determined to build his already hot bod into more pumped perfection to take on the next challenger, but his discomfort and doubt is clear. He flexes and feels himself up between reps, as if he can't understand how his muscles can be so hard but his record and rep so squishy soft. The breadth of his torso as he hits the incline press is eye-popping, and the concavity below his ribcage illustrates why he's the go-go go-to guy in the fitness industry when it comes to the annual abs issue. Enter the Jaguar...

"Looks like you maxxed out the machine", Jag notes. "Let me add a little resistance." Working out is meditation for a guy like Rio. Pumping up helps clear his mind, and he doesn't want assistance, especially from a gruff guy who pushes a little too hard as he presses up. He shifts to the pec fly machine, but Jaguar doesn't back off. "Squeeze those pecs," he roars, making Rio force it until his pecs rip and striate. "What do you think you're doing?" Rio rants when the weights snap back, cupping his aching chest.

A harsh elbow smash is the answer! The thick, knotted triceps pull down rope becomes a weapon Jaguar grinds into Rio's pumped pecs, but his boot and the solid steel lat pulldown bar is better. "Feel the burn!" Jaguar's not "just" a wrestler. Sure, he's got the training and that "I live to kick ass" look. But ask him and he'll proudly say, "I'm a thug!" And, by that logic, while other wrestlers have to wait for the booker, he's entitled to make his own matches. With both hands he drives into Rio's chest, hoisting him off the machine and out of the weight room by his pumped pecs. "You're mine! You need a real chest workout!"

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Spotlight: Rio Garza


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Rio Garza vs. Jaguar
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Jaguar tramples Rio's pecs

Ready for more pec pounding?

Jaguar makes Rio work for it

Cornered & pec clawed

Rope across Rio's quivering pecs

Relentless, repeated pec claws

Rio's pecs may never be the same after this brutal, relentlessly punishing pec bashing

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