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  Paul Hudson vs. Dex Denton

Paul Hudson - 5'8, 145

Dex hits his crossface crippler

Paul tries a submisison variation

Bearhug: Dex punishes Paul

An arrogant pin on Paul

Leglocks Challenge Match, or, Who's the Man?

A couple of the qualities that make Paul Hudson a star are his complete lack of fear, regardless of opponent, and his cool imperviousness to attempts at intimidation. There are some wrestlers who would be reluctant to face off against a man who outweighs you by 30 lbs - but not young P-Hud! There's an old truism in wrestling that a quicker, more skilled wrestler will always beat a less skilled but bigger opponent - and Paul is more than willing to put his skill to the test at every opportunity, whether in the BG East ring or on our mats or in the Gazebo or in front of an audience of 300 screaming fans!!

But he might have given a bit more thought about facing off against Dex Denton! Denton is no slouch in the wrestling skill department, either - and while he might be new to BGEast, he's sure as hell not new to the ring! He's made a name for himself in a number of indy feds as a brutal bastard who will do whatever it takes, including short-cuts, to win! And when he climbs through the ropes to face young blond opponent - the sly smirk that spreads over his heelish face suggests it may not bode well for the red-speedo clad Paul!

The bell rings and they circle each other before locking up. In an impressive display of strength and power, Dex shoves Paul back and Hudson flies back into the corner! Shaking his head to clear it, Paul comes back out and they lock up again - with the same result! As Paul climbs back to his feet, shaking his head to clear it, Denton sneers, "You're pathetic!" Has someone finally figured out a way to rattle P-Hud's confidence?!

Rethinking his battle plan, Paul resorts to his technique, taking Dex down with a wristlock, only to have Dex reverse it! Seems tough guy Dex has some mat smarts of his own! The action comes fast and furious, with escapes and reversals until a nasty leglock grounds our star! Paul's knee gets slammed down to the mat - and as he struggles to his feet it's obvious that Dex's plan to weaken the the blond's leg is working! Paul favors that punished leg and Dex rewards him with a brutal kick to the back of the knee that knocks Paul on his ass! But Hudson has some kick-ass leglocks of his own, ones which regularly exact submissions from their victims! So now it's Paul's turn to work on Dex's knee - turnabout and all that! But when Dex applies his vicious scorpion death lock, Paul's previously punished leg finally forces him to concede the fall! A leglock lover's bonanza! Read on!

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Spotlight: Paul Hudson


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Paul Hudson vs. Dex Denton
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Wrestler Spotlight: Paul Hudson Arena Galleries

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P-Hud's perfect camel clutch

Paul makes the heel pound the mat in his punishing suspended figure 4 leglock variation

Dex Denton - 5'9, 175

Dex drapes Paul across his knee

Dex's deadly scorpion deathlock

Dex Denton suffers in a crucifix

Leglocks and chinlocks - both have an arsenal of submission holds

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