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  Jonny Firestorm vs. Devil Devitt

Devil Devitt: 5'11 210

Arm bar & crunching crossface

Nasty horsehoe crab

Suspended surfboard

Devil Devitt's deadly submission

Luck of the Irish?

After some stretches and one-handed push-ups, our babyfaced punk welcomes Devil Devitt, a big slice of Irish beef in custom trunks, noting his 'cute accent'. Jonny tries to intimidate his BGE rookie opponent with cocksure poses and boasting. But Firestorm isn't na've, he knows he has to use his lithe agility to counter the brute strength of the buff demon Devil. And these two gifted athletes put on display of mat wizardry trying to outsmart the other. Devitt escapes many of Jonny's best efforts, smartly reversing the holds into his own grinding grips. And Jonny too is a devious escape artist. And when his elegant suppleness can't free him of the big jock's clutches, he takes the low road. Finally Firestorm sees an opening, nearly ripping the Irishman's arms out of their sockets. But instead of letting his honorable foe regroup, he slyly attacks and targets those tight abs, So much for the beginner's luck of the Irish!

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Spotlight: Jonny Firestorm


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Jonny Firestorm vs. Devil Devitt
31 minutes

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Jonny: 5'5 140

Jonny takes the Devil for a ride

Neck-cracking camel clutch

Shoulder and ab stretch

Devil Crabbed

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