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  Joshua Goodman vs. Marco Guerra

Marco Guerra

2 sets of rippling abs

Marco's fig-4 headscissors

Suspended submission

Joshua gut bashed

Threat Level--Severe: The Kickboxer

Italo hunk Marco matches Joshua in size and physical conditioning, and in his two BGE appearances, Marco's shown surprising aggression, even brutally bashing and stripping past opponents. Marco reveals he's been practicing martial arts for "15 years," and for once mouthy Joshua enters a match on his guard. Opening sparring: Marco swinging kicks. But when he goes for a roundhouse, Joshua sweeps his legs. Hacking heels to the gut, sharp chops to the chest and a pure bjj-style armbar and it's obvious--Joshua knows more martial arts than he's let on! Marco sheds his pants, revealing a skimpy and well packed bikini, but when he urges Joshua to do the same, the cocky hunk challenges, "pin me and I'll drop my pants." Incentive! Marco turns it up: harder kicks, a choking takedown, and a full nelson with heel kicks to the abs, and Joshua taps. "Your turn," Marco shouts, ripping Joshua's pants off and strangling him with them! Two near-naked hardbodies break out best moves: a triangle choke makes Joshua tap; a headlock/armbar combo returns the favor. "I haven't had this much sweaty rolling around since my last wet dream!" Joshua marvels. The heat rises--crotch in face headscissors, mounted gut punching, knees to the back with one hunk pinned against the wall. We've never seen Joshua in a match this physical--intense!

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Spotlight: Joshua Goodman


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Joshua Goodman vs. Marco Guerra
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Goodman gut bashed

Joshua Goodman


Mr. J's crotch-to-face headscissors

..but gets his revenge

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