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  Forrest Taylor vs. Anton Alvarez

Forrest Taylor: 5'7, 142 lbs

Grounded on the mats, Forrest's arms get ripped back in a kneeling surfboard variation

Forrest gets forced to his knees as Anton powers his chin to his chest with a punishing full nelson

Anton gets taken from behind, snatched up in a tightening rear-naked choke from the randy redhead

Forrest toes the line of consciousness as his bigger opponent brings him round with a rousing balltap

Anton utilizes the discarded gear as a bit for his bucking ginger pony with a backbend

Something to Prove

Anton Alvarez may be a babyface rookie, but he's no dummy. The big, beefy brawler accepted Forrest Taylor's invitation for some "light mat practice" knowing Forrest's reputation for picking fights and causing trouble. Anton did his homework before showing up, closely studying fierce Forrest's favorite moves. He mapped out the hard bodied redhead's vulnerabilities and most common holds to tap out in. Anton figured in his own 30 pounds of thick, raw muscle advantage over his notoriously smart-mouthed opponent, and he showed up "loaded for bear", and not just for "light practice."

Sure enough, after a few minutes of cooperatively trading holds, Forrest's inability to lock a convincing sleeper hold on the barrel-chested rookie pisses him off. "Fine," Forrest snaps. "Let's just go at it. I'll choke you out and prove who the real winner is!" Anton smiles knowingly, having seen Forrest's impetuous need to pick a fight coming from a mile away. "I'm not sure if you have it in you," the cocky babyface rookie sneers, flexing his thick muscles threateningly, "but if you feel like you've got something to prove, let's do it."

Both singlet studs launch into each other with raw ferocity. It's a rough and tumble mat battle that pits Anton's size and strength against Forrest's experience and stubbornness. The redheaded upperclassman is fast, lassoing single leg take downs at will. Keeping the mountain of muscle down, however, proves quite a bit more of a challenge. Anton repeatedly pumps his muscles, busts out of Forrest's holds, and powers on top to crush him hard. The rookie's padlocked full nelson cranks on Forrest's neck and rips his shoulders apart. When Anton's rib cracking kneeling bearhug doesn't quite scratch the rookie's itch to make the redheaded smartass suffer, he drags him up and lifts him off his feet, to really crush out every last ounce of air from Forrest's burning lungs.

Forrest grabs the advantage with a shocking knee to the balls, instantly derailing the rookie train from rolling through. "I knew you were a dirty fight, but already going for the balls," Anton mutters, surprised only by how early in the match the veteran resorts to his classic low blows. Anton saw this coming, too, though. He rolls with the dirty punches and battles his way back on top. "I heard you were a fan of scissors," the cocky rookie snarls, snapping his beartrap around Forrest's lean waist and threatening to snap him in half with his own favorite hold. Forrest's slaps to the face and relentless taunts come back to haunt him, when Anton is crushing the fight out of him and ripping his singlet off. "I'll have fun with that later," the rookie promises, playing bongos on Forrest's alabaster bubble butt.

The back and forth grows more vicious by the minute. Forrest's barrage of gut punching breaks the rookie down until the redhead's fists are sinking deep into Anton's core. Moments later, when Anton has his opponent's spine cracking in a torture rack, the cocky kid pumps out 10 deep squats with his jobber barbell writhing and whimpering helplessly across his shoulders. Just when one of them looks like he's beaten his opponent into helpless oblivion, a stunning last-minute reversal turns the tables yet again.

These sweaty studs keep each other guessing until one stubborn grappler can't breathe with his opponent's big bulge smothering him in a sweat soaked figure-4 sleeper from which there is no escape. "How does it feel to be my little bitch," the crowing victor demands to know, as he watches the light go out in the loser's drooping eyes. Don't count either of these dangerous hunks out until one stunned loser is knocked out cold!

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Forrest Taylor vs. Anton Alvarez
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Forrest gets bent and arched over Anton's knee in a strangling, ball-tapping backbreaker

Trapped and schoolboyed under his bigger foe, Forrest gets a humbling bitchslap to his bearded face

Lifted and draped across Anton's shoulders, Forrest gets carted around the mats in a torture rack

Anton's guard crumbles as Forrest lays a powerful forearm blast to his exposed gut

Forrest's impressively ripped quads clamp tight as he tries to wear his bigger foe down

Forrest grabs that foot to up the pressure on the figure four headscissors with his bulge in Anton's face

Anton Alvarez: 5'7, 175 lbs

Forrest fights to free himself from his bigger foe's clutches in a full nelson bodyscissors combo

Flexing his bigger arms powerfully, Anton hoists and crushes Forrest in a crippling bearhug

Forrest's booty swallows his trunks as he battles Anton in a mutual bearhug contest

Flexing a big powerful bicep, Anton drags the grovelling ginger jobber's face into his bulge

Forrest looks to bring about an upset with a big uppercut to his dominant challenger's bulge

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