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  Zach Ramos vs. Ty Alexander*

Zach Ramos: 6', 200 lbs

A perpetual shit-eating grin etched into his face, Ty pins and grinds his bulge into his opponent's face

Ty towers cocky and arrogant, unbothered as his grounded foe peels down his first layer of gear

Mounting him in a schoolboy pin, Zach gags and strangles Ty with his own sweat-soaked gear

Zach flexes his big, powerful, sweaty muscle and tramples his cocky challenger underfoot

Zach gets payback for a litany of BG wrestlers with his sweaty bulge smothering Ty's face

I am Hot Shit!

Zach Ramos looks like he stepped out of a Caravaggio painting. He's at ease in his sleek and statuesque body. There's nothing chiseled or rigid about it. It flows like water from head to feet, unblemished but powerful, like gods used to be. He looks at his reflection in the room's huge mirror without vanity or shyness. He bounds into the ring with a self-assured smile on his face. At first, we don't see Ty Alexander, but we hear him and recognize his voice. "What chump do I beat up today?" he grumbles. "Who is making all the racket?" Ty crawls through the ring ropes. Zach acts like he doesn't know who Ty is, which must certainly sting Ty's vanity.

Ty circles Zach, his eyes gliding up and down his unblemished opponent's body. Ty fondles Zach's man bun, riling the man up a bit. Immediately, Ty snaps Zach into a side headlock, declaring his right to touch anything he wants to. He flips Zach over his hip and leans on the silky-smooth torso and tightens his grip on the man's head. He rolls over onto Zach's face and squats on it. He pinches the man's nipples. Then, he shifts positions and applies a wristlock, one of wrestling's most painful and debilitating holds. He musses the man bun some more, stands, and stomps on Zach's shoulders.

Alexander is a pro. He knows what he's doing. He's deliberately stirring up trouble. He culls his vast knowledge of pressure points and searing holds. He rolls Ramos around like a carpet. He bends his challenger in a combination foot lock and chin lock, taunting his opponent, saying, "You wish you could be me." Then, he pushes his challenger against the ropes. The guy's a bully through and through.

Ten minutes into the match, Zach turns the tables with a knee jab to Ty's belly. He then bends the heel over one knee, tugs Ty's trunks down, and spanks him. Instantly, Ty's tune changes from tough-guy talk to panicky whimpers. Zach crushes Ty's balls, sending the heel through the ring ropes and onto the floor. Ty is crawling on all fours, while Zach paces the ring and reassembles his man bun. Zach stands triumphant, calmly flexing his biceps, perhaps prematurely. He exits the ring to seize Ty, bend him over the bottom rope, and give the bad boy a good hard spanking. He pulls Ty into the ring, where he rides Ty like a pony before snapping on a camel clutch. It's an amazing turnaround. Ramos chokes Ty on the top rope while crushing his cock against the bottom rope. He pulls Ty back into the ring and stomps on the bully's jutting belly.

A series of speedy reversals makes it impossible to predict who the ultimate winner will be. Can Zach prolong his hope spot? Can Ty reclaim his winning streak? In the end, one of these wrestlers is buck naked and cuffed to the bottom rope. The mystery ends with knockout blow to the face, which must be seen to be believed. Both sides of Ty's history are on display in this two-matched beauty of a product! Let the best man win/lose!

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Sides of Ty*


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Zach Ramos vs. Ty Alexander*
29 minutes

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Forced to inhale a faceful of Zach's sweaty pit, a kneeling, rope bound Ty gets crotch-clawed

Zach drops to the floor in the corner with a pantsed Ty stinkfacing him against the turnbuckles

Zach toys with the BDSM gear, perched dominantly atop his wasted, prostrated foe

A finger-twisting, shoulder-wrecking submission hold has an armbarred Zach facedown in the mats

Ty looks to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat as he hooks Zach's arms with his legs

Seeking to put Ty out to pasture, Zach spikes the nude combatant headfirst into the mat with a DDT

Ty Alexander: 5'7, 215 lbs

With Zach's long legs bent and twisted, Ty bends his back brutally in a chin-pulling submission

Wrapping his hands around his throat, Zach rolls Ty up as he trounces him on the mats

It's never a wise move to underestimate Ty as Zach learns with his body bent and twisted in the ropes

Experiencing flashbacks from the beginning of his career, Ty endurses a butt-blistering spanking

Daddy Zach bends the formally menacing Ty over the ropes and gives him a deserved spanking

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