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  Kirk Donahue vs. Leroy Blaze

Kirk Donahue, Heel: 5'10, 170 lbs

Leroy unwittingly leaves himself at the mercy of a mysterious attacker...a crafty Kirk

A double armbar, camel clutch variation on the smaller opponent has Kirk at his dastardly best

Kirk looks much more comfortable working over a jobber with a elbow to his gut in a backbreaker

Leroy looks like he can't take it anymore, set to tap out to Kirk's punishing neck crank

It's lights out for Leroy in more ways than one as Kirk is feeling his oats with a bicep flex

Bad Kirk

After another crushing upset, Kirk's frustration leads him to once again seek whatever imagined - or very real - alternate-reality portal sometimes appears in the BG East compound. Harnessing the alpha energy exuded by all the men who have used some mystery mojo to supercharge their gym-honed muscles, these hidden-in-plain-sight mirror moments are like doors to the secret multiverse, where the darker, Superheel version of Kirk resides. Documented in 2020's ingenious and highly praised "Mirror Mirror" release, Bad Kirk is ready to take over for his babyface version in revenge for the dozens of beatings Baby Kirk's been subjected to since he first stepped into a BGE ring. We don't have proof this shadow version of Kirk is responsible for Forest Taylor's drubbing, Nathan FX's thrashing, or even Dio Charachi's humiliation, but the video evidence leaves little doubt about it. And now, after Mason's sloppy victory, he is back to avenge babyface Kirk once more.

While Kirk tweaks the multiverse, we find Leroy Blaze, the tight and sexy rookie who was utterly destroyed in his debut against BGE heel Jonny Firestorm, treated gently on a massage table. After being put through the wringer, the newbie thought a little bodywork would put his aching joints back on track. Nothing like a relaxation session to reset mind and muscles, recharge and restart his journey through the BGE ranks!

Leroy should never have mistaken BG East for a wellness resort. Unbeknownst to Blaze, Bad Kirk infiltrates the private massage room, quietly bribing his masseur and leaving poor Leroy exposed to another hellish round of hurt. As Kirk's elbow goes deeper than expected into Leroy's scapula, face-down Blaze notices something is off. "Alright, we didn't ask for a deep tissue. You can lighten up." As the rough touch continues, he finally lifts his blindfold and realizes he is in really deep shit.

Using his towel as a dog-collar for the lean muscleboy, Kirk drags and throws his victim into the ring and vows to make him pay. His sin? Being pampered while Kirk's alternate self was just humiliated in that same ring. Shaken by the unexpected assault, Leroy is hardly ready for the extreme abuse that's about to come. It all starts with a couple of atomic drops and a big power slam to further loosen up every bone and muscle encased in his phenomenal body. Just not in a relaxing way.

Kirk provides Leroy with a different kind of physical therapy, one that includes stomping his abs, crushing his back, and over-extending his arms. "See, you can get that massage you wanted, and you get the opportunity to be in the ring with Kirk Donahue." In between torture locks, Kirk flexes his heel body as though in front of the same mirror that brought him here, drawing more energy to unleash upon Blaze. But just like Leroy showed against Firestorm, this wiry silver-clad babyface rookie knows how to make the best of an opening if he gets one, and as super-egotistical Donahue's flexing break goes on for a bit too long, Blaze summons the strength to perform an acrobatic lariat that almost puts Bad Kirk out of commission.

Leroy now has a big chance for his own happy ending. Channeling the big baddie attitude he learned by force from Firestorm, he gives Donahue a taste of what he can do. But will it be enough to put an end to Bad Kirk's trail of destruction? Someone's getting abused inside and outside of the ring, knocked the fuck out, and brought back to consciousness in a way only a vile supernatural heel-being could do. This fiendish new Kirk makes his presence known so often lately it's not clear any force will be strong enough to send it back to the realm it belongs and bring back the Nice Kirk.

We have never sanctioned playing with the fabric of space and time, but if that is what it takes to give you the best both Kirk Donahues have to offer, BG East will assume the consequences as we continue to follow both bulge- and butt- blessed, multitalented baby and heel pro adventures!

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Sides of Kirk


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Kirk Donahue vs. Leroy Blaze
31 minutes

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Leroy's long lean body bends exposed over the heel's hip as Kirk drives an elbow down to his target

The winds start to blow against Kirk as he's backed into the corner, his thick thighs pummeled

Leroy feels all that significant muscle advantage coming to bear as he's crushed under Kirk's knee

Kirk lets out a mighty roar, seeing red as he chokes the life out of Leroy with a towel

Kirk's animalistic, savage side bubbles to the surface as he works a deep-digging trap claw

Even with Kirk in heel mode is he doomed to defeat under the feet of his smaller foe?

Leroy Blaze: 6' 150 lbs

The massage turns torturous, a blinded Leroy gets a vicious elbow ground into his exposed back

Poor Leroy can't see what's coming next, his long body bent in a towel-choking hangman variation

A big atomic drop sends shockwaves of agony up Leroy's spine as his tailbone is pulverized by a knee

Leroy's back looks like it can't endure much more in an over-the-rope backbreaker

Leroy is hoisted across Kirk's broad back as the unlucky recipient of an unforgiving Aryx rack

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