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  Ace Aarons vs. Brute Baynard

Ace Aarons: 5'9, 185 lbs

Big Brute Beynard is bent backward over the ropes with a backbreaking rope choke

Brute is brought to his knees as his smaller opponent crushes and tears at his big trap

Back bent nnd busted, Aarons is stretched and broken in a rope-assisted camel clutch

Stomped and trampled in the turnbuckles, Aarons gazes up at his destroyer

Aarons fights back from a seated position as he's forced to choke himself in a jap strangle

Monsters and Men

There are two things in this 2nd showcase match --

First, da Man. Skillful and experienced, his ring knowledge has led him much more times to victory than defeat. The man who has taken up all types of challenges from all kinds of BGE stars and styles, without hesitation nor contempt. Size may not be on his side, but that has never been an excuse for him. A brave man, it can't be deniedâ??a true Ace.

But then, in this match there is also the Monster. A demi-god monster. A man who dedicated his life to become more than human through excruciating discipline and countless bodybuilding sacrifices. And now, his body seems to demand Destruction and Pain to make up for all the pleasures given up during his quest. Most call him Brute, but it should be clear to anyone he is a beast. No one in their right mind would think they'd have a shot in a physical confrontation against him, but some still work up the courage to do so.

Ace has that courage! Once again he's banking on his experience and pure chutzpah to be the last man standing when confronting such long odds. Claiming to be ready, Ace starts circling around his mammoth opponent, unaware of the unquenchable thirst for carnage visible in Brute's eyes, carnage that has already left a trail of battered BGE opponents at his feet.

Ace barely stretches his arms around Brute's waist, before a powerful elbow to the face shatters Ace's hope for a good start. Not losing any time, Brute drags Ace by the back of his head and violently slams his face against the turnbuckle. Ace's agony on the floor is consistent with a possible nasal fracture, but that does not stop the beast from following through with his plan. "I don't have the patience for this today."

Just hearing one of Brute's primal grunts is enough to trigger anyone's 'fight or flight' response, but Ace is not fleeing anytime soon. In fact, you'd think pain would deter Ace from using words as weapons, given all they could do is worsen his already slim chance of making it out alive. "Is this all you fuckin' got?" Brute's destruction continues on Ace's arms and a camel clutch that could have ended up with Ace's face being ripped apart - if it weren't that putting an end to the match this early wouldn't satiate Brute's appetite for destruction. The action moves to the ropes, where a glimmer of hope recalls the story of a 'David', but if any of you have been a BGE fan for long enough, you'd know there is no way this 'Goliath' will be stopped.

The brave Ace will do whatever he can to start finding the chinks in the beast's armor, yet this has already proven to be no ordinary challenge. His attempts to survive could be described as heroic, but nothing could have prepared him for the abominable force that would always be ready to crush his body to its very limits. A small opening turns into a big chance for Ace where a quick shot to the beast's most vulnerable region could be crucial to determine his fate. It all ends up with the loudest smack you've ever heard in a BG East ring, and with a bump so hard, it might result in severe brain damage. "Look at all I've got, motherfucker."

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Spotlight: Ace Aarons


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Ace Aarons vs. Brute Baynard
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FREE Action Clip on Arena

Aarons is brought low, trampled under the boots of the brutal flexing Brute

Aarons cowers and crawls backwards as he tries to beg off the continuing torture

Aarons slaps on a desperate, hastily applied choke as he's dragged up by his skull

Trapped in a crushing camel clutch, Aarons gets his handsome face torn apart with a fishhook

The big man cries out in pain as his legs are trapped, twisted, and bent in a figure four

Brute roars as he slaps a seated abstretch on his desperately struggling opponent

Brute Baynard: 5'10, 250 lbs

Leaning on the ropes, Brute uses his boot to choke out the smaller pro stud

Aarons flops and flails on the mat as he's viciously choked by his merciless foe

Aarons is brought crashing down to the mat with a ring-shaking chokeslam

Dropped to the mat, Aarons gasps and groans as he fades out in a cobra clutch

Brute works over his seated opponent and stretches his arm out for an armbar

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