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  Jaden Xtacy vs. Trevor Read

Jaden Xtacy: 5'10", 170 lbs

Jayden drags the blind-sided heel up to a sitting position with a blatant hairpull

Jayden and Trevor dazzle the crowd with an acrobatic spectacle of brutality

Jayden puts on a display of high-flying prowess for the fans of the sold-out Manor

Read seizes Jayden's head in his hands and brutally crushes the prettyboy's skull

Jayden's big, blistering forearm chop knocks the wind right out of Trevor's sails

Longhairs in High Flying Action

Trevor Read broke onto the BGE stage at last year's Wrestling with Pride, thinking he'd score an easy win and hand a humiliating defeat to then-super-jobber Kirk Donahue, but he got a hell of a lot more of a fight than he bargained for. Trevor has been biding his time since his less than dominant debut, and this year he's come back determined to prove his last opponent's resistance a fluke, by taking his latest challenger apart piece by piece.

Jayden needs almost no introduction, his face says it all: Bright-eyed and brimming with confidence, this long-haired newcomer is ready to take on the world, or in this case, the man staring him down from the opposite corner. With a tight body, adorable face, and the added benefit of being a local boy, Jayden has the crowd won over before the bell even rings. Many last year expected him to wrestle but a pre-show injury prevented it. He's finally making his debut here!

Ripped longhair Trevor might want everyone to think he's above needing the crowd's approval, but try as he might the heel can't hide how it gets under his skin to see the new prettyboy upstaging him so quickly. Of course, this only drives him further in his quest to dismantle the fresh-faced newbie in front of all his adoring fans.

This is an impressive athletic display of high-flying, technical pro wrestling! Trevor has years of training and in-ring experience under his belt, so it's no surprise that Jayden's ability to keep up with him in the early moments riles him further. The long-haired heel's desire to dominate the competition begins to slip away, and inevitably the dirty tactics come to the fore in this classic NewPro style bout. The referee seems to have gotten his mojo back and several near fall counts and warnings keep this match on the up and up.

From stomps and kicks to slapping and hair-pulling, when Trevor's tactics aren't outright illegal they're still downright unsportsmanlike. Soon Jayden is reeling under Read's assault, fighting desperately to rally behind the crowd's support, though more than a few fans watching this brawl begin to think they like what they're seeing as the torture continues. But Jayden is more than just a pretty face, and prepared to prove it, despite every trick he pulls out, Trevor just can't keep the new kid down, and Read is repeatedly caught in reversals that leave him reeling, suddenly finding his not-so-glorious victory in serious jeopardy. The action heats up and the crowd with it as both men go for broke and one is caught by surprise in bone-jarring assault. Which young stallion will be left standing when the dust settles?

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With Pride 2


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Jaden Xtacy vs. Trevor Read
16 minutes

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Jayden's beaten body dangles over the shoulders of the dastardly handsome heel

Jayden rolls over and up, gasping desperately for air as the challenging match wears on

Trevor brings the high-flying prodigy back down to earth with a grounded headlock

Making ample of use of Jayden's long locks, Read snatches him to the mat by his tresses

Read finds himself in dangerous, unfamiliar territory as the newbie drags him up off the mat

Jayden leaves it all on the mats in his battle to be the best in his debut against Read

Trevor Read: 6', 190 lbs

The ref gives the exotic, long-haired prettyboy a run-down of the rules in the corner

Read lifts his lean, lithe opponent up off of the mats for a ring-shaking sidewalk slam

Spurred by the cheers of the crowd, Jayden takes to the turnbuckles to (hopefully) finish Read

The local stud Jayden Xtcy basks in the cheers of his adoring fans in his BG debut

Read lords over a flattened Jayden with a knee to throat, double bicep flex

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