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  Kieran Dunne vs. Vince Vitali

Kieran Dunne - 5'7, 180 lbs

Colossal arm wrestling challenge

Vince drives a knee to the back

Tight bodylock on the new hunk

Boot on the bitch: Cocky showmanship by rookie Vince, studly Kieran suffers on the mat

You're the Bitch, Bitch

Kieran Dunne's arrogance and obsession with his own reflected image have caused him a lot of grief in his matches - but the young beauty just doesn't seem to care. Kieran is humpy and sexy and has an amazing body and anyone who says anything to the contrary is a just a JEALOUS HATER. And there's so much to be jealous of, right? But newcomer Vince Vitali is neither intimidated by Kieran's muscles or his experience in the ring. He's got plenty to be proud of himself: huge lats and shoulders, a handsome face, a derriere to compete with the best of them and a fearlessness to countenance come what may. He reeks of testosterone and his tough take-no-prisoners attitude as he swaggers into the ring where cute Kieran is, no surprise, entranced and enchanted by his own reflection in the big mirror, posing in his now iconic trademark skimpy gold trunks.

Vince ain't no slouch either, for that matter, in his brief white trunks that hug his round butt and highlight his impressive package. And he's apparently no stranger to verbal intimidation: "You ready to get hurt, you little bitch?" Vince asks as Kieran's muscles continue to be flexed like he's not even there. Some verbal sparring ensues, and finally Kieran plants his hands on Vince's broad, muscular chest and gives him a nasty shove - one that sends the newcomer sprawling and rolling out of the ring! He keeps taunting Kieran, though, as Kieran follows him out and chases him around the ring until Vince slides back in under the ropes. Kieran comes right after him - and his exposed back is just too nice of a target for Vince to pass up! He sends Kieran sprawling with a thud, and starts landing some well placed stomps, as the staggered stud tries to get away!

Kieran, though, isn't the pushover he once was, and Vince is relatively inexperienced. Rookies always think they have things under control long before they do - and once Kieran uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet Vince waits too long to press his advantage - finding himself flying from one side of the ring to the other only to be body slammed as he comes off the ropes! All those beatings Kieran has taken have made an impression on him - and it's payback time for all the pain and slights as he puts Vince through his paces, finally wringing a submission from the Italian stud with a nasty bow-and-arrow!

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Spotlight: Kieran Dunne


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Kieran Dunne vs. Vince Vitali
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Kieran trapped on the ropes: Choking the life out of our celebrated spotlight wrestler

Kieran is used as a pedestal

Vince Vitali - 5'7, 160 lbs

Massive quads squeeze Vince's head

Ring rattling bodyslam

Choke! Vince bends the rules

Vince's big pouch is suspended upside down in Kieran's punishing inverted bearhug

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