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  Patrick Donovan vs. Tyrell Tomsen

Tyrell Tomsen - 5'11, 185 lbs

There's no escaping THIS pin, punk!

Patrick pec punches Tyrell

Pat strips the stud to his thong!

A double pec claw: Tyrell's flexing and posing his massive muscle makes his pecs an easy target

Might versus Cunning

Tyrell idly examines his reflection, particularly the scrap-iron bulges of his upper arms and shoulders, when Patrick steps into his eyeline. Quietly and pensively Donovan traces the curves of his own body, taller and looser than Tyrell's and equally a work of art. He makes no attempt to upstage the bigger man, nor does he consciously try to attract his gaze, but Tomsen finds Donovan's presence a nagging distraction. His eyes wander from the ridges of his own chiseled muscle - what boulders would look like if Renaissance sculptors had invented boulders - to the smooth muscle of the more experienced wrestler. At this moment, it's hard to read what his eyes reveal about his state of mind - Is he curious? Is he intimidated? Is he irresistibly drawn to test himself against this other hot man?

Tomsen confronts Donovan irritably, "What do you think you're doing?" Donovan barely acknowledges him: "Getting ready to kick your ass," he says in his characteristic tone of voice, even and offhanded, very Clint Eastwood. Tyrell's face lights up - a sharp spasm of emotion - Is it indignation? Or excitement. Is it a different type of agitation? Donovan looks him in the eye, "You got big muscles, but I've been doing this longer," with a nod to the wrestling mats under their feet. Maybe Donovan is biting off more than he can chew here. Tomsen is not a man to ignore disrespect. He started off at BG East as purely a technical wrestler, committed to the ideals of fair fighting, but for the last year his sinister side has been forced to the surface. Brooding and beautiful in every respect, Tomsen has developed a taste for the dark joys that come with inflicting pain and humiliation on others. With his years of experience and technical know-how, Donovan is the man who can, if anyone can, block this unwholesome trend - or else hone it to steely and vicious precision.

Patrick gets Tyrell in a schoolboy pin, from which he advances to pound Tomsen's biceps with his knees. He reaches back and slaps the flat of his hand against the solid brawn of the man's chest and abs. When Tyrell at last escapes, he preens the peaks of his upper arms, narcissistically absorbed in the perfection of the poses he strikes, while Patrick regroups for a renewed assault. It's almost as if Tyrell expects to strike Patrick down with the sheer radiance of his physique, while, in journeyman fashion, Patrick proceeds determinedly to break his opponent down by using the man's advantages against himself. At one point when Patrick has a tight, up-close hold on Tyrell's head, the icy pundit of pain quips matter-of-factly, in mock surprise, "You got muscles in your head."

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Spotlight: Patrick Donovan


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Patrick Donovan vs. Tyrell Tomsen
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Crotch to face headscissors: Patrick traps his magnificent quads around tough Tyrell Tomsen's head

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