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  Dick Rick vs. Scott Starr

Dick Rick - 6'1, 215

Typical! Dick Rick chokes Scott Starr

Scream! Suspended surfboard

The Dick Rick Rack across the buckle

Dick Rick exultant: Glistening muscle god rides Starr with a painful punishing perfect full boston!


Sexy Scott Starr was thoroughly dismantled in his singles debut against the thuggish Exavier, an outcome which didn't sit well with the young rising ring star. Redemption came for him in tag action, when he was teamed up with Dick Rick and the pair thoroughly kicked ass. But the match didn't go as smoothly for the winning team as cocky Dick would have liked, and of course, he placed all the blame squarely on his partner! "I carried your sorry fat ass the whole match," Dick raged at him in the locker room afterwards, "I might as well have not even had a partner!" The two might have come to blows right then and there if not for the timely intervention of The Boss who, as always, spied hot angle for a future lock-up! "Boys, boys, boys! Play nice, don't fight! You got a problem here? Settle it in the ring," he said, separating the two. After all, you can't make money from a fight that happens off-camera! And what better way for a young wrestler with a chip on his shoulder to make a name for himself by taking down the mighty (and mighty popular) Dick Rick?

Scott stretches and warms up as he waits in the ring for his date with destiny. His impressive wrestler's bridge shows he means business and knows how to prepare for action. When the arrogant finally stud arrives, clad in a skimpy bikini which showcases his spectacular physique, he smirks. "So YOU'RE challenging ME?" He laughs. "Okay, little boy, show me what you've got!" They meet in the center of the ring, and Dick immediately traps the kid in a side headlock. "This is called a headlock, in case you didn't know," Dick taunts, and then levels the kid with a forearm to the side of the face. "I'm gonna put you down," he taunts, and the cocky stud-star demeaningly explains each move and hold as he puts Scott through his paces. "This is how you do it," he says as he stretches the kid out in an armbar - and when the kid tries to get to his feet - well, what more expedient way to put a man back down than a handful of hair? A hiptoss by the kid puts the muscle stud down, but an eye rake gives Tricky Dick the advantage once more! Every offensive move by the kid is reversed by his wily foe...whose low chuckles only add to the humiliation...

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Spotlight: Dick Rick


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Dick Rick vs. Scott Starr
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Dick flexes; Starr trampled

Former tag partners battle: Big back body drop by Scott Starr sends Dick Rick flying head over heels

Scott Starr - 5'10, 202

Dick's neck-cranking arm bar

Dick's seated arm lever

Rollicking OTK backbreaker

Bow n' arrow submission? Expert back punisher Dick puts the hurt to his former partner Scott

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