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  Tim Sheridan vs. Paul Hudson

Tim Sheridan - 5'9, 157

Tim tortured with a body scissors

The rookie hits a hangman

Tim pinned to the post

Tim trashed? Sheridan shot to shit? The rookie rendered to ruin?

"Rookie's Day of Reckoning"

Tim Sheridan turned a lot of heads with his debut match against sexy Christian Taylor, and as he warms up in the ring, it's easy to see why: an adorable face, lean muscularity, a butt that just won't quit, and wrestling skills! but a couple of big differences here from his first BG match: It's in the ring, not on the mats and of course, Paul Hudson isn't Christian Taylor. Keen to become a ring wrestler, Tim's worked hard to get his squared circle skills up to speed, and within seconds into the match, the hard work pays off!

"Another rookie." Paul just shakes his head as he climbs through the ropes. "You ready to get beat?" he quips, obviously intent on psyching out the new boy. But Tim keeps his cool. The two warily circle each other, waiting for an opening - and they lock up! Paul pushes Tim back into the corner, and as Tim raises his hands for a clean break, gets a shoulder in the abs! Paul's eyes glint with bloodlust as he starts kicking Tim in the knee, weakening it until he can barely stand! Contemptuously, Paul shoves him down into the center of the ring, moving in with a vicious single leg crab that has Tim's screams echoing through the arena! Perhaps Paul was prescient in his prediction of a total squash!

Hoping to finish the rookie off fast, Paul punishes Tim with a series of brutal maneuvers, finishing with a body scissors/sleeper combination. Tim's face reddens, sweat pouring down as he struggles to save himself from total defeat. Desperate not to submit, Tim lashes out with punches. The onslaught catches Hudson off-guard, and before he knows it, Tim has him in a nasty chin-lock that forces the heel to submit!

Warily, the two circle again: Paul impressed and surprised by Tim's persistence and power; Tim knowing there'll be hell to pay for that painful submission! Sure enough, Paul stomps some nasty kicks to Tim's already weakened knee - and then slams the knee down viciously into the mat! His legs weakened, his mobility impaired, Tim's an easy target. An over the knee backbreaker stretches the ring rookie to the limit, and he finally screams out a desperate submission! All tied up now - but it isn't close to being over yet!

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Tim Sheridan vs. Paul Hudson
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Tim trashed, trounced and trumped: Paul pins the pretty boy

Paul's painful knee-breaker toehold

Paul Hudson - 5'7, 145

Tim trapped on the ropes

Agony: Back-bending boston

Test of strength over the knee

Paul wraps Tim up in a japanese strangle hold and back breaker

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