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  Donnie Drake vs. Aryx Quinn

Aryx 'auditions' Donnie Drake

A knee drive deep in the groin

Aryx struggles to muscle out

Phenomenal boston crab

Donnie Drake traps Aryx in the infamous Kid Leopard submission hold, the infamous Da Killa

The Finely Tuned Athletic Machine...

A Spotlight is the ultimate honor, reserved for those rare wrestlers whose popularity (Alexi Adamov, Troy Baker) and ability (Cameron Matthews, Doug Warren) put them in a category distinctly above the average worker. For the first installment in two years, no one stood out more than Dazzling Donnie. From stacks of fan mail fawning over his flawless face to the countless challenges from ready workers eager to face him, there's no wrestler as worthy. Even seen-it-all, hard-to-impress Boss Kid Leopard went on record, anointing Donnie 'one hell of a talent'. Enter Aryx'

Pardon the passive voice, but it fits the situation: after being tombstoned by Cameron on Leopard's Lair, barely getting by human punching bag Jace Bradley on Fantasymen 31 and being reduced to begging and post-KO posed by first-timer Rory MacLeod on Ring Rookies 2, Aryx has seen his stock plummet faster than a bank bloated with a billion bad mortgages. What better way to revitalize his rep than subduing a surging superstar? Clipboard in hand, Aryx scouts the competition under the guise of seeking 'a suitable replacement' for his former tag partner Nick Archer, running Donnie through a series of muscle-popping poses for his careful scrutiny. Donnie dazzles, so much so that Aryx concludes, 'all show and no go.' But when Aryx flaunts his golden physique and decides the only wrestler worthy of being his partner is himself, a cracking slap to the face and a huge, high dropkick shuts his mouth.

And that's just for starters! Surfboard, knee to the groin, brutal boston crab, the Aryx rack, body scissors, all sorts of arrogance and humiliations, and even the usurpation of the infamous Kid Leopard finisher known as "Da Killa" spice up this spectacular match-up.

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Spotlight: Donnie Drake


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Donnie Drake vs. Aryx Quinn
29 minutes

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Wrestler Spotlight: Donnie Drake Arena Galleries

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Infamous Aryx Arrogance on display

Donnie on the receiving end of mouthy Aryx Attitude

Aryx Quinn - 5'8 165

Donnie applies a surfboard

Donnie humbled and humiliated?

Donnie screaming in The Aryx Rack

Donnie applies a a revenge version of the boston crab and he's got a lot more size to give it weight

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