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  Cage Thunder vs. Lobolito

Cage Thunder

Mask versus Mask!

El Lobo is seeing stars

A humiliating foot to the face

Partially demasked, Lobo is stretched over Cage's knee

War of the Gods

In Latin countries, there is a long storied tradition of masked wrestlers. The mask symbolizes more than just a way to hide the face of the wrestler; it stands for pride and honor. Masks symbolize animals, heroic archetypes, gods of the Aztec empire. No humiliation is greater for a luchador than to lose his mask, stripped of his honor, his shame and face exposed for all to see. Lobo, from a long and proud line of masked men, is eager to put his honor on the line and issued a cocky challenge. "I will unmask all the BGEast luchadores - starting with that Cage Thunder phony! He's a disgrace to masked wrestlers everywhere! He doesn't deserve the honor of wearing a mask!" His own mask symbolizes the Aztec god Teoyaomicqui, the god of dead warriors, and has been worn in his family by luchadores for generations.

Cage is not easily intimidated by anyone, let alone one he nicknames Lobolito, the little wolf. "The little one hasn't even cut his permanent teeth yet," he scoffed disdainfully as he donned his own golden mask, the symbol of Mextli, the god of war and thunder. "I will cage the little wolf and add his mask to my trophy case, and perhaps his trunks too." Despite scoring a decisive win in his debut, Cage feels he didn't get the respect he deserves from the other wrestlers, or the fans. Being insulted by a cocky newbie only adds fuel to his desire to use Lobolito to make a statement to the other wrestlers. Cocky and arrogant, Cage walks in on Lobo as he stretches and gets ready for the ultimate mask vs mask showdown! Lobo lets fly a string of insults to no response from Cage, who believes in letting action do the talking for him. Lobo offers his hand, only to be ignored by the bigger man. Lobo challenges Cage to a strength test, only to get a brutal knee right to the stomach for his trouble!

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Mayhem 3


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Cage Thunder vs. Lobolito
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Cage pounds Lobolito's gut

Cage split wide in a spladle

El Lobolito

Cage applies a double claw hold

Single leg boston & crotch claw

Cage clutches his golden orbs

Cage punishes Lobo with an arm bar

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