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  Skull vs. Angelo Blanco

Blanco socks it to Skull

Skull splits Angelo Blanco wide

Angelo Blanco smother pins Skull

Angelo Blanco's bow and arrow

Blanco unmasks and pins the wrestler heretofore known as Skull and humps his face with his big bulge

Sock It To Me: Embracing the Dark Side

Skull takes sadistic delight in grinding his socked foot on his fallen opponent's face and kicking him in the ribs when he's down. Before Blanco can pull himself off the mat, Skull pounces, working to pry the white mask off his face. Having endured an inhumanly savage assault to his manhood, the threat of losing his mask now pushes Blanco over the edge. He counters, forcing Skull to his back. He sits on Skull's face smothering him and delivers several rapid punches to his chest. With newfound ferocity, Blanco works his foe over, eventually bending him up into a Boston Crab. When Skull growls out his reluctant submission, Blanco pretends not to hear him. When he finally releases the hold, the boy in white plants a loud, gratuitous slap across Skull's ass. In savoring revenge, Blanco's burgeoning bulge is clearly developing a taste for the darker side of wrestling competition.

Gentility and fairness tossed out the window, Bianco launches a brutal stomping attack on Skull's abdomen before his opponent can catch his breath. He snaps his long legs around Skull's head in another lingering crotch-to-face head scissors. Knee drops to the chest knock the wind out of Skull, and Blanco launches a bid to unmask his foe. The action intensifies as both wrestlers keep upping the ante on brutality. Blanco grows more merciless, crushing Skull's balls and savagely pounding Skull's head into the mat. A bearhug and a single-leg boston nearly push one man past the point of endurance. Good and evil fade into shades of grey as both wrestlers cut corners, kicking, stomping, and clawing at one another's balls. Physical and erotic domination merge, as each man capitalizes on the advantage to grind his opponent's mask humiliatingly into his crotch.

Finally, one wrestler is unmasked (revealing a BG star!) as his opponent flexes in ecstatic victory over him. The humiliation inspires the unmasked wrestler to launch one final rally in order to return the favor. He works with single-minded focus on beating his opponent senseless in order to rip off his mask as well. The tide of the competition slowly, inevitably turns one way, and as the ultimate victor rubs his crotch in his opponent's face, all the loser can do is gasp over and over, "I give... I give... I give..." Incredibly hot!

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Mayhem 7


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Skull vs. Angelo Blanco
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Unmasked Skull unmasks Blanco

Blanco rides the unmasked Skull

Skull scissors, grabs Blanco's balls

Blanco hammerlocks Skull's arms

Face smothering headscissors

A schoolboy with a crotch claw

To add insult to injury, Blanco gags Skull with his own sweaty sock. Sock fans will love this match!

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