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  Cage Thunder vs. Boyd Hicks*

A reverse bearhug bones Boyd

Cage studies Boyd's big bulge

Boyd dragged by his eye holes

A mask to mask camel clutch

With Boyd unmasked, Cage presses his big advantage in the loser's face and holds his trophy aloft

Cock Fight! Unmasked and Unloaded!

Cage's desire start to get the better of him as the match wears on. He isn't interested in a quick win. He wants to humiliate the challenger, slowly wearing him down until Boyd cannot resist Cage's sexual assault. Yanking him up by the mask, Cage rubs his hapless victim's face against his bulging crotch before beating him down again. Finally, as Boyd lies writhing on the mat, Cage moves in for the final humiliation, only to be caught as quick-thinking Boyd slaps a vicious head scissors on the bigger man! Now, it's Boyd's turn to get some pay back as he applies pressure, twisting and turning, tightening his legs and demanding not only a submission but some respect! At first, Cage strokes the legs clasped tightly around his head, until it starts to become painful. Boyd is relentless and Cage's struggle to break free becomes weaker and weaker, until finally, in desperation, Cage uses his strength to get to his feet and clamps his arms around Boyd. The hold is broken, and now Cage goes to work on the small guy in a series of bearhugs that leave Boyd battered and almost defenseless. Growling in anger, Cage tosses him down only to drag him back up for more of the same, going through every variation of bearhug bullying in an awesome display of brute force and punishing power.

How long can Boyd hold out against this horny onslaught of brutality? And when Cage tosses him down one last time, he sits on Boyd's chest for a schoolboy pin, taking a triumphant moment to flex and pose over his beaten victim, burying Boyd's face into his crotch for an extra taste of humiliation, Cage style! But Boyd is far from finished, and a headbutt to Cage's balls brings the big man down again! Now it's time for some payback, and a vicious camel clutch is just the way to do it! And as the pain in his lower back intensifies, the match starts slipping away from Cage, and Boyd's fingers start undoing the laces of Cage's mask, can the sexual humiliation promised to the loser of the match be far behind? Boyd's dominance is short lived: The Ragin Cajun strips the newbie and challenges him to a cockfight! The loser is forced to crank out a load as the winner unloads his big dick on the exposed masked man's face!

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Cage Thunder vs. Boyd Hicks*
36 minutes

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Double boner cock fight!

Cage pins Boyd, bone to bone, his cock victorious over Boyd's

Cage nelsons bulging Boyd

Cage boned big in Boyd's nelson

Mask to bulge trunks worship

Masked men mouth to mouth

Cage poses hard as Boyd cowers in defeat, his mask in the hand of his triumphant opponent

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