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  Cole Cassidy vs. Lukas Skott

Cole initiates the rookie!

What d'ya say

Sexy headscissors...

Feel the power!

Lukas' armbar

Rookie Reporting for Wrecking, Sir!

When Lukas saw Cole?s name pop-up in one of the on-line wrestling chat rooms his heart began to race. He had spent untold hours ?with? Cole watching him take apart Tarzan Tyler Reese on his favorite BG match. He decided to take a chance, sent a photo, then typed in Cole?s instant message box: ?You have mail. And PS: I WANT TO FIGHT YOU!? Cole took one look at the photo of the tall, ripped, handsome and obviously hung 22 year old, and typed back ?You?re on, punk?. Lukas gulped. Sometimes you get what you ask for. Cole continued, ?The BG guys will love you. To me you?re just a pretty piece of meat. If you got the balls, meet me at the BG East taping in Florida.? The stage was set. The tension is palpable as Lukas stretches out his beautifully proportioned muscularity and gorgeous butt before stepping into the ring for his dream-cum-true fantasy match. He was a rookie for sure, with almost no experience. But he felt he was Cole?s equal ? at least on paper. He was taller and heavier and at least as strong as Cole, but unlike Cole, he had yet to be tested. But as Lukas stepped through those ropes and Cole shook his head and muttered, ?another fucking pretty boy?, the young rookie knew he would be tested, and tested as never before! A point made perfectly clear when backed into the ropes after the initial lock-up, Cole baptizes the rookie with a stiff smack across the face!

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Spotlight: Cole Cassidy


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Cole Cassidy vs. Lukas Skott
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Cole cranked in a headscissors

Jockboy rookie Lukas 5'10 170 lbs

Flying knee to the back

Forearmed and batttered

Sexy Lukas

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