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  Brad Rochelle vs. Cameron Matthews

Brad Rochelle 6' 190 lbs

A Razor's edge

Cameron's just all tied up!

Brad bent backwards

Crotch-pinned by the rookie!

A Dazzling Debut

Normally, we'd regale you with a moment-by-moment recap of the opening contract 'negotiations' between Brad and Kid Leopard. However, the match alone--over an hour of intensity marked with 15 pinfalls and submissions--is so dazzling, so action packed, it'd be a disservice to dwell on anything but! Newbie Cameron cuts quite an image as he warms up: the iconic clean-cut, fresh-faced varsity wrestler jock. "Wow, you're Brad Rochelle!" he gushes with genuine awe. When Brad sheds his baggies to reveal his embarrassingly brief, Leopard-selected new ring wear, Cam's stunned expression shows his innocence isn't just a look. All too used to walking into unfair fight after fight, Brad's learned to expect the worst. But as he puffs up his much bigger chest, his hopes rise for the first time in years. A lockup, and Brad uses his edge, tossing the kid head over heels around the ring. But when we said Cam was new, it's not his first time in a ring: he's been working the indy scene since he was 16! Two retaliatory hiptosses and a dead-center dropkick to the bigger man's chest, and Cam roars, "Now I'm ready!" Suddenly serious, Brad scores first blood with a knee-on-shoulder reverse armbar. But when Cam craftily counters his follow-up full nelson/bodyscissors combo, fluidly flipping into a neck-wrenching, back-arching Dragon sleeper, Brad's vigorous, "IgiveIgiveIgive!" raises a horrifying possibility: has he fallen hook, line and sinker for another one of Leopard's ringers?

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Contract 5: Rooked!


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Brad Rochelle vs. Cameron Matthews
59 minutes

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The Contract 5: Rooked! Arena Galleries

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Cameron Matthews 5'11

A victory for Brad?

Brad power downs the rookie

A figure four headscissors

Cameron's cranked crab

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