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  Ty Alexander vs. Lobo Gris

Ty Alexander: 5'7, 215 lbs

Big beefy bruiser Ty arches and bends his opponent over in an inverted headlock

Planting that award-winning ass on Lobo's face, Ty sinks his claws deep into his pecs

Lobo laid low, looking completely knocked out under the bulge of a victoriously flexing Ty

Ty roars out in victory, demanding a submission with a gear-assisted camel choke combination

Ty may be forced to tap (or nap!) as Lobo's arms coil tight around his neck in a rear naked choke

Most 'Jobbery'

In case you haven't noticed, last year BG East adopted a bold new attitude, turning itself into a palace of pain and hostility, populated by hotheads who love to hurt people. The heroes are now as vicious as the bad guys. Even fan favorites like the boyishly handsome Lobo Gris fuel themselves with rage and destruction, triggered by vain and insolent heels like Ty Alexander. Nowadays, Lobo's sex appeal is part and parcel of his hotheaded ferocity and agonized howls. It grabs fans by the balls. The wrestler's untamed beauty quite likely inspired his savage ring name. Likewise, Ty's voluptuous gut and bomb-sized thighs are a blend of the erotic and the cruel. Bringing the two into one ring is a high risk. Both are explosive and hardheaded.

From the start, hostility thickens the air. Lobo teasingly throws shade at Ty, telling him that fans and wrestlers alike consider him BGE's "most jobbery" wrestler. Lobo pretends to be disappointed that Ty is his opponent, when he says, "I was expecting to be having a REAL match." Don't doubt for a second that this match will be real. Ty foils Lobo's lockup and punches Lobo low in the back. That's a shot to the kidney, friends. Lobo claims it "doesn't hurt that bad," sticking a pin in Alexander's ego. But obviously Lobo is shaken. Ty catches him in a side headlock, with extra attention to yanking Gris's woolly black hair. Ty hip-tosses Lobo to the mat, straddles his chest, and punches him square in the face.

A little later, Lobo strips off Ty's trunks, leaving intact his matching G-string. In retaliation, Ty scrubs Lobo against the turnbuckle padding, then whips him to the opposite corner. Lobo dodges Ty's shoulder thrust and then reverses, ramming his shoulder into Ty's gut. And speaking of "gut," who among us wouldn't want a shot at that sexy, sumptuous, almost obscenely tempting belly! As the match approaches the end of its first act, about a third of the way through, Lobo is like a coyote on a crippled fox. But Ty gets a turn at Lobo with a swift fist to the scrotum. Then, he strips off Lobo's wrestling trunks, strangling him with them.

It seems that Lobo's impression of his adversary is out of date. He remembers Ty as everybody's punching bag. Ty is quick to set him straight on this point, making Lobo cry out in pain and anger. By the match's midpoint, Gris gets his vengeance when he crushes Ty's ball sack against the middle rope. Ty's screams turn hoarse. At this point, both men's cocks are throbbing like hell. A long and vengeful rear choke ignores its victim's panicky attempts to tap out and leaves him cold as death in the center of the ring. Is it Lobo? Is it Ty? At this point, both men have been put through the wringer, humiliated, almost completely unmanned, but if Ty and Lobo have nothing else in common, they are persevering. As already noted, this is a new era for BG East. Today's game is for men, tough men, cunning men. Brutes and hunks are in abundance here. The match backs up this point.

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Sides of Ty*


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Ty Alexander vs. Lobo Gris
27 minutes

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Lobo is barely clinging to consciousness, reaching out for anything to stop himself from going out

Keeping the lusty latino in place with his scissors, Ty nearly folds Lobo in half in a scorpion pose

Ty's ego swells, much like his bicep, as he flexes over his fading foe in a skull-crushing headscissors

Ty masterfully hoists Lobo in the ropes in a suspended backbending submission hold

Lobo refuses to go down as he lays into Ty with a furious flurry of fists in the turnbuckles

Ty reaches deep into the heel bag of tricks and pulls out a vicious lowblow for Lobo

Lobo Gris: 5'10, 186 lbs

Ty fights back from the corner by grabbing and ripping Lobo's trunks high up his ass

Lobo turns the tables on Ty, bending him and smothering him with his pit in an inverted headlock

Lobo gets his limps wrapped around the ropes, torturously stretched and gas pedalled

Ty seeks to see how far his sexy foe can bend until he breaks with a pec-pounding camel variation

Lobo looks to turn the tide (and turn the Ty!) for a hail Mary submission with a boston crab

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