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  Elite Eliot vs. Kirk Donahue

Elite Eliot: 5'11, 190 lbs

Kirk is brought sagging to the mats by Eliot with a crushing, reverse chinlock.

Kirk looks to make his mark as he wraps his arms around Eliot's skull with a rear naked choke.

Eliot's big boot crushes and brutalizes Kirk's windpipe with a weighted choke over the ring ropes.

A flagging Kirk sags in the ropes as Eliot closes in to finish off the muscled prettyboy.

Kirk Donahue's world is turned upside down, bulging, bent, and broken, trapped in a tree of woe.

"This is a street fight now, mother fucker!"

Kirk Donahue has had a bullseye on him from the moment he showed up at BG East with his beautiful physique and boatloads of indy pro wrestling experience. Fans love this multiple award winner, easily making him our reigning Top Babyface of 2018. But the more fans love him, and the more transparently The Boss favors the freckle-faced phenom, the more viciously his opponents sink their teeth into his tightly muscled body. In stamina, strength, and ring savvy, the odds ought to be in Kirk's favor just about anytime he climbs into the ring. But his penchant for sticking strictly to the rules of fair play have earned him much more than his fair share of brutal beatdowns and lopsided humiliations. Kirk has let it be known that his new handlebar mustache is merely the outward sign of his metamorphosis from the resident doormat to a no-holds-barred contender. But even with his waxed mustache and practiced sneer, it's time to put up or shut up.

Elite Eliot didn't get the memo about the new-edition Kirk. Eliot is closely matched with Kirk in size, strength, and professional wrestling experience. On paper, their match-up looks tailor-made for a photo finish. But while Kirk's been working overtime to reinvent himself in order to dig out of the deep jobber hole he's been buried in for the past 5 years, Eliot has had the wind at his back. The beauty of Eliot's dazzlingly handsome face and finely toned physique stands in stark contrast to his ugly brutality and complete disregard for sportsmanship. He has been adding plenty of notches to his belt as he claws his way through the BG East roster, and nothing will please him more than to rip the mustache off of Kirk's face in total defeat.

Eliot blindsides Kirk with a forearm to the back of the head before they even reach the ring. "What's up Kirk," Eliot shouts as he pounds Kirk's award-winning baby face into the ring apron and tosses him unceremoniously through the ropes. The hard-hearted heel straddles Kirk's lovely ass and locks down a torturous full nelson, showing off the relentless offense and sadistic humor that's become his brand. "You're mine now," Eliot chuckles with delight.

But the mustached muscle twink is no longer afraid to play naughty. Kirk's sucker punches and rope torture suck the wind from Eliot's sails. He whips the handsome heel from corner to corner, spearing him in the gut and choking him sadistically with the heel of his boot. Kirk is in charge and living large, dragging Eliot around the ring by his hair, twirling his mustache like a cartoon villain, and savoring the sweet taste of ill-gotten gains! "Please, please," Eliot begs for reprieve, "I just want to apologize for everything!" Kirk smiles confidently, soaking in the sight of the hot-bodied heel begging him for mercy.

But there's plenty of sadistic hunger to go around. Both seasoned professionals know dozens of ways to cripple an opponent. Point and counterpoint, just when one glistening grappler puts his opponent through his paces, there's another reversal of fortune around the corner. It's a game of "anything you can do, I can do better," and better means meaner, harder, and longer. Figure-4 leglocks and vicious strikes to knees and ankles leave both battlers barely able to stand. "This is a street fight now, mother fucker," one enraged hunk snarls, intent on beating, breaking, and grinding under his boot every last ounce of dignity of his overwhelmed opponent. It's a new Kirk. It's a new day. But is it the same old babyface beat down?

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Spotlight: Kirk Donahue


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Elite Eliot vs. Kirk Donahue
29 minutes

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Eliot extends his hand for a shake to an understandably weary Kirk who keeps his distance.

Kirk's eyes roll back in his head as Eliot's thick thighs clamp down with a figure four headscissors

Kirk lays trampled and trounced under Eliot's boot; will he be counted out of this Spotlight opener?

Kirk is bent back in the turnbuckles with Eliot's hands around his throat in a blatant choke.

Kirk aims to prove he's turned over a new leaf with a rear naked choke on Eliot.

Eliot brings Kirk crashing down hard to the canvas with a reverse chinlock in the ring.

Kirk Donahue: 5'10, 170 lbs

Eliot has other plans for Kirk lifting him off the ground to drive his knee brutally into the mat.

"You're mine now" Eliot clamps down on a tight, neck crunching full nelson on Donahue.

Eliot isn't quite finished with Kirk as he drags him back up to his feet with a handful of his tight

Kirk bulges and bends beautifully, broken in Eliot's spine-warping Boston crab.

Eliot takes a moment to throw up a bicep flex, choking Kirk over the ropes with his quad.

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