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  Ace Aarons vs. Kirk Donahue

Ace Aarons: 5'9, 187 lbs

Ace flexes and cranks on a tight rear chinlock to keep Kirk grounded in the ring

Kirk sees his wrestling Renaissance hopes going up in smoke as Ace chokes him out

Ace's brutal mulekick to Donahue's prized runner-up package brings him back down to Earth

Aarons delivers a big boot to a conquered Kirk, cornered in the turnbuckles

Kirk gets up close and personal with his new competition for BGE's Best Bulge

A Stellar Start with a Battle of the Bulges

Wrestling with Pride 2 is finally here! BG East's 2nd live event as many decades, follows up last years triumph with no fewer than 6 matches featuring fit young pro wrestlers beating each other senseless for the adoration of our increasingly invigorated live audience. The fans have come out to support the wrestlers as well as Fort Lauderdale's Pride Center, with special sponsorship by The Manor Nightclub, while the boys in the ring are here for just one reason: to make their mark on BGE history! In the crowd are BG stars from all eras, including Kid Leopard himself in his leopard suit, 'Voice of BG Bob Wood' and longtime KL nemesis Randy Roberts adding live commentary, and all emcee'd by special guest announcer Enoch Scott, taking a break from his sold-out run with Las Vegas' Zombie Burlesque. Including handsome ref Evan Carter, it's a professional show as only BG East can organize and edit together into a great product!

First up to wow the crowds is Kirk Donahue, longtime BGE fan favorite, with his killer body, an ass that won't quit, and a package that nearly won him the Best Bulge of 2018 award (after winning that fan poll prize in 2016 - and still garnering Top Babyface for 2018). Many in the crowd know this all-around, well-endowed prettyboy and erstwhile jobber has been building up a strong head of steam with some recent shockers; he's out to prove he's got the balls to rise to this long-awaited challenge.

Resident big-mouth badass Ace Aarons steps up to dispute Kirk's claim to "second best bulge in BGE". Ace has made a name for himself taking apart men big and small, smiling all the while, sometimes taking it further with his sexy style. He's put a target on Kirk, especially with all this talk of bulges. Ace grabs the mic and shows the crowd his own ample package, turning this battle to more than one of wrestling prowess (and who can forget how Ace refers to his 'mic' as he straddles his opponents faces). Donahue calmly tries to shed his babyface reputation with a new mustache and extra-shiny show-off trunks; he confidently intends to become the new tough guy heel.

Both accomplished wrestlers leap to make a more physical statement at the expense of their opponent as the bell rings, with high flying moves and bumps. Kirk's killer physique and looks guarantee which way the fans' favor will turn, but it delights Ace all the more to shut down the crowd's favorite with some all-too-appropriate attacks on the target that has garnered Kirk such accolades. Ace has no problem smashing Kirk's generous bulge, leaving the heel-hopeful writhing in pain. But like Kirk told us this last year, you're looking at an all new Donahue, and it's going to take a lot more than a few cheap shots to keep him down. Too bad for him Ace is prepared to deliver plenty more.

Our hottie referee seems unable to control the wild action, which is fast and intense, as both men soak up plenty of more conventional punishment as well as both dealing and receiving a brutal battering targeting each one's particularly impressive "pride." This match quickly takes a turn of the ball-bashing, crotch-claw variety, and becomes a test of endurance to see who can hang on the longest! Can Kirk rally with his newfound determination and come out on top, or will he finally fold under Ace's continued assault on his manhood? In the end one man is dropped, pinned, and left groping his wounded pride at ringside while the winner basks in the catcalls of their adoring public.

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With Pride 2


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Ace Aarons vs. Kirk Donahue
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Kirk lays writhing in the ring, coddling a brutalized bulge and a severely wounded ego

Aarons winds up for a vicious skull pounding blizkrieg attack ton the mustachioed prettyboy

Kirk brings Aaron's heretofore unstoppable onslaught to a halt as he catches a kick

Kirk's bulge props proudly as Ace rolls his beaten body up for the official pinfall

Ace's flying clothesline nearly takes Kirk right out of his boots as he drops to the canvas

Ace grabs a handful of trunks and rolls up the heel-hopeful up onto his shoulders for the pin

Kirk Donahue: 5'10, 170

Aarons continues to flex and ride Kirk's broad back to keep him neutralized on the mats

The "second best bulge in BGE" humps the mats as Kirk collapses to the mats in defeat

Aarons dares Kirk's fans to try something as their hero kneels wasted before his bulge

A true "Battle of the Bulge(s)" ensues as Kirk and Ace slap on mutual ball claws

Kirk delivers an "all-new Donahue" to the fans of BGE in our second Pride live pro event

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