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  Calvin Haynes vs. Grant Connors

Calvin Haynes: 5'9", 200 lbs

These two sides of beef look to settle their long-held grudge as they lock up in a test of strength.

Grant draws first blood as a rear chinlock makes the prettyboy beef tap out in submission.

Grant throws up his own double bicep flex with his swelling bulge in a schoolboyed Calvin's face.

Calvin's thick, rock-hard bicep digs into Grant's carotid as a rear chinlock puts the big boy to bed

A portrait of pure dominance: Calvin flexes like a conquering titan over a kneeling, broken Grant.

A "Good Ol' Boy" Beatdown

Given the caliber of wrestlers that usually stake their claim in the coveted Spotlight series, some fans may be surprised to see Calvin Haynes muscling his way into the latest installment. Despite that heavyweight, muscled physique that should send most jobbers running, Calvin has suffered some stinging defeats in his tenure at BG East. From a brutal beating at the hands of veteran Jonny Firestorm, to getting himself half drowned by newbie Gabe Steel, and even to a surprising upset against inexperienced lightweight Nino Leone, Calvin has some ground to make up to cement himself as a force to be reckoned with.

But this boy has dreams as big as his bulging muscles, and plans to see them come true in this Spotlight, starting with Grant Connors. Grant is hitting his stride early in his BGE career, having just made a rag doll of the more experienced Kirk Donahue, and looking for a bigger piece of meat to make a statement. The sparks started to fly instantly when these two studs spotted each other at the BGE compound. Turns out their paths have crossed before, on the mats even. Both boys are keeping quiet about just how their private affair went down, but the looks flashing between them tell us things haven't quite been settled between these two, and another bigger match was inevitable.

With both men weighing two hundred pounds, it's no surprise they collide like bulls locking horns. Pec slamming into meaty pec, thick arms gripping each other tightly, every muscle fiber standing out as they match each other in strength. But the deadlock doesn't last, and it's Calvin who feels his back hit the mat first. His gloating opponent mounts him, Grant's sweet southern charm concealing a potential heel with the power to have his way with any man he can take down. Calvin endures bone-crushing pressure as Connors' legs wrap around him. The burly brawler manhandles Haynes into every hold that can bring Grant's full strength to bear.

Even in neck-wrenching full nelsons, and bearhugs that threaten to cave in his ribcage, Calvin refuses to call it quits. Still dreaming of the big time, Calvin digs deep to find the strength to literally turn the match around as he flips over and on top of Connors. Both of these men have muscle and power to spare, and Grant suffers no less than his opponent has, under the crushing weight of Calvin's hot body, and his desire to climb the ranks. What they lack in finesse they more than make up for in sheer power, and you'll wonder how neither man breaks under such brutality.

No man can keep it up forever, and inevitably both begin to run out of steam -- each of them more desperate to finally push his opponent to the breaking point. In the end it's the dirty tactics of a burgeoning heel that seals his opponent's fate, as a low blow and a series of sleepers finally drains the last of one man's stamina. This match swings back and forth to the very end, but eventually only one will stand tall over a foe not merely beaten, but knocked out cold.

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Spotlight: Calvin Haynes*


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Calvin Haynes vs. Grant Connors
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Between a rock and a hard place: Grant takes Calvin down to the mat with a brutal bearhug.

Grant uses his top position in the schoolboy to remind Calvin of his place with a crotch smother.

Even flat on his back, Grant proves a challenge for Haynes in a grounded test of strength.

Calvin looks to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat with a neutralizing crotch claw on Connors.

Calvin brings his own formidable tree trunk thighs to bear with a rib-crushing bodyscissors.

Calvin locks Connors up nice and tight with a finishing rear chinlock, bodyscissors combo.

Grant Connors: 5'11, 205 lbs

Calvin arches and jockeys for position as Grant powers his arms in a crushing bearhug.

Is that it?! Grant lies ko'd under the foot of a flexing, victorious Calvin in the Spotlight opener.

Grant smirks, confident in his victory as he rocks and leans back in a Boston crab.

Calvin writhes weakly, his ribcage collapsing under the power of Grant's crushing bodyscissors.

Grant Connors flexes his thick, powerful biceps, ready to ruin Calvin in his Spotlight opener.

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