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  Chase Addams vs. Tiko

Tiko: 5'11, 175 lbs

Chase brings his own brand of seduction to the Asian pro stud with a soul-sucking side headlock

Tiko is tightly locked down leaving his lean muscle and crotch exposed to Chase's machinations

The Asian newbie is brought to his knees, suffering with Chase's crushing quads around his skull

Chase shows what he does to those who have the audacity to show up looking prettier than him

Chase manages to muscle the newbie to the mat with a humblig crotch to face schoolboy

Best First Date EVER!

After meeting at the Wrestling with Pride event, Chase Addams and Tiko hit it off. The attraction was instant and mutual. A seasoned BG East veteran and rising star, Chase took the indy pro high flyer in hand, literally, and set about wooing him.

"Why am I dressed like this," Tiko asks, pulled playfully by the hand through the dark. He's luscious in the same stark white pro trunks he was wearing when he caught Chase's eye at Wrestling with Pride. Chase is also suited up in custom purple trunks with his "Charming as Fuck" byline emblazoned across his beautiful ass. "You'll find out," he says, pinning Tiko against the wall and passionately making out with him.

Suddenly, Chase flips on the light switch next to them, revealing the vacant ring behind them. "I've already set up the ring for us to have a little private session," he explains. "You are sneaky," Tiko replies, eagerly climbing into the ring. He flexes his baseball biceps seductively, silently luring his date to massage his beautiful muscles. "Oh, that feels good," he groans with pleasure. "Please don't stop." Chase massages his shoulders slowly and deeply from behind, purring into Tiko's ear, "I'll never stop."

Tiko's eyes snap open wide as he suddenly feels Chase's bicep press tightly across his throat. He struggles for air, panic washing across his face, before managing to twist free and literally kick his suitor in the ass. "You sneaky son of a bitch," he shouts, straddling a sense of betrayal and a grudging resentment that he hadn't thought of it first. "Come on," Chase says consolingly, "don't you like foreplay?"

Chase's version of foreplay starts with a savage knee to Tiko's gut and an illicit hair pull into a cranking side headlock. When the Thai indy pro starts to pry his way free, Chase rakes him across the eyes and throws him to the ground, demanding that he kiss the mat. This is what Chase calls flirting.

Although he's a BG East rookie, Tiko has had plenty of experience being bullied by bigger guys on the indy pro circuit. You don't look as pretty as he does and survive the brutal world of professional wrestling without being tough as nails. He lands a cracking slap to Chase's face for the unprovoked ambush. A round house kick to the jaw stops his suitor's advance cold. Dragging Chase up by his hair, Tiko bullies him into a corner, prying his back bent painfully over the top turnbuckle. Chase thwarts his offense, distracting him with a liplock. "Do you want a clean break or a dirty break," Chase purrs into his face. Tiko smiles up at him and answers, "I like it dirty," a second before savagely driving an elbow into Chase's nose.

It's entirely possible that Chase may have bitten off more than he can chew. His shock and awe foreplay comes back to haunt him as Tiko kicks him to the ground and grinds his boot into his would-be-lover's balls. "How do you like it now? Do you like it dirty," the indy pro stunner spits, saddling into a schoolboy pin and shoving his crotch in his face.

Submissions and pins are beside the point. Chase and Tiko discover in the most apropos manner ever that they are perfectly compatible by the way they beat the living shit of each other and quite obviously get turned on harder with every blow. Muscles are bruised. Joints are wrenched. Tears of terror and agony are shed. "Was it as good for you as it was for me," the hunk who ends up on top asks in the end. "You win," the object of his lust replies with a kiss. "I'm yours!"

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Spotlight: Chase Addams


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Chase Addams vs. Tiko
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Chase finds himself bent and twisted with Tiko's inventive, punishing abstretcher

A tortured Tiko finds himself trapped from both ends with a hair-pulling ball claw

The twisted twink quite literally chews the scenery as he has Tiko trapped and tortured

A suspended double underarm leglock has Tiko painfully crying a submission from BG's resident diva

A crippling crossface variation from Chase has Tiko's ringroom debut hopes going up in smoke

Chase stops Tiko's advances dead in their tracks with a twisting, crushing crotch claw

Chase Addams: 6', 170 lbs

Chase lifts a finger to silence the protestations of his newest blindsided conquest

Tiko is fed up with Chase's twisted charm and ties him up in the ropes with a tarantula variation

Two different pro-styles find themselves evenly matched in the BG East ring

Tiko shows the Charming One up quite thoroughly and folds him in half midring

Chase DID want to play dirty...Tiko drives a boot into the Charming One's crotch

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