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  Muscle Mask vs. Exavier

Muscle Mask - 6', 212

Exavier hits a suplex on Mask

MuscleMask choked on the ropes

A revenge full boston crab

MuscleMask trapped in the corner, arms locked over the ropes, Exavier drives his boot into his abs

Let The Games Begin?

Exavier has earned a reputation as one of the nastiest thugs to climb into the BGEast arena, and his string of impressive and indisputable victories has only served to make him even more confident in his brutality and viciousness. He takes pride in utterly destroying everyone he faces - and to him, the challenge is to make each match an even bigger exercise in brutality than the last! "This isn't a sport for wimps," he often says in justifying his cruelty in his matches, "If you can't take it, don't step in the goddamned ring!" Exavier is determined to set a new standard in dishing out beatings - and The Boss certainly has no problem with that! Beating Exavier, in fact, seems to be so damned near impossible it might not ever happen, not in the BG East Arena, anyway.

Exavier is a well-known and very busy fixture on the independent pro scene where his fruity obnoxious thong-exposed stripper gimmick requires him to take beatings as much or more than deliver them, often with him getting his come-uppance at the end to satisfy the audience's craving for retribution, revenge and justice. Like other indy pros who work the BGE rings, he revels in the opportunity to drop the gimmick, forget the demands of the live crowd and just get down and do what pro wrestlers do best: one on one, male versus mBGE cameras and those intensely tight close-ups, they also know that the holds have to be tighter, the stomps heavier, the blows stiffer than those they might perform on a pro show out on the circuit. And for many guys, this is both liberating and invigorating. They know the focus is on holds and body contact and they're freed of the indy pro requirement to fly around the ring like so much popcorn. here at BG East they know they can get down to business and guys like Exavier love it. And we fans are glad they do!

MuscleMask's BGEast history is so riddled with defeat and humiliation that one has to wonder why he even bothers to suit up and get in the ring! He has reasonable skills, however, not to mention one of the most perfectly sculpted bodies currently under contract! And that may well contribute to his repeated undoing. The heels who line up to take him on are well aware of his appeal to the BG fans and taking this self-described muscle hunk apart gives them - and many fans- intense satisfaction! And his previous opponents include some of the nastiest heels to ever get in the BGE ring - Beau Nasty, Joe Mazetti, and The Enforcer! On second thought, maybe that hapless record is a little more understandable! Talk about running a gauntlet! And a win over Exavier would certainly give the masked stud a lot of credibility - and when he steps into the ring wearing a pair of tight yellow trunks that expose his ripped body and gorgeously shaped musclebutt, there's a surprising determination to his step that doesn't necessarily bode well for Exavier! As he flexes for the mirror, ignoring his brutal foe, Exavier graciously holds the ropes open for him - but as he steps through, Exavier kicks the middle rope which lashes right up between the hunks legs and smack up into MuscleMask's groin! Oh my! Let the games begin...

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Mayhem 6


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Muscle Mask vs. Exavier
27 minutes

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Back breaking chinlock stretcher

Exavier cranks it on the muscle boy: Mask suffers in a camel clutch

Exavier - 5'10, 215

Mask's shoulder nearly ripped out

Exavier goes for the mask strings

Punishing OTK back breaker

Muscle Mask panics and tries to escape from Exavier's dangerous knock-out cobra clutch

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