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  Paul Hudson vs. Tommy Troup

Paul's bow & arrow variation

Tommy traps Paul in a crucifix

Paul punishes TT over his knee

The rookie applies a full boston

Paul racks the rookie

Battle of the Blonds

When young Tommy Troup found out his first BGEast opponent was going to be Paul Hudson, he wasn't intimidated. After all, he reasoned, Paul Hudson might be an established star at BGEast already, but he relied on his wrestling skill to win matches, not rule breaking and cheap shots. Paul's skill can be intimidating - he is a master of all wrestling styles - but he's not a thug like a Rico Rave or a Cole Cassidy. Besides, Tommy wasn't without some skill of his own. He competed on his high school team, and just finished his pro training. A win over someone like Hudson would get him some respect around the BGEast locker-room, and maybe some matches with other BG stars and gigs with some of the local indy feds. And as Tommy warms up his lithe lean body in the ring waiting for Hudson to show up, stretching and showing off his lean physique, he was centering and getting focused on the match, concentrating on his game plan.

"What the fuck are you doing in my ring, rookie?" sneers young Paul as he climbs through the ropes. Time for a double take - this isn't the Hudson we're used to seeing! Wearing shades, a leather ring vest and a contemptuous sneer on his face, this is a new Paul. "You just better watch yourself, punk." Paul's lips twist into a smirk as he shrugs off the vest and checks out his biceps in the mirror. Satisfied with what he sees, Paul signals for the bell and the two begin circling each other warily. A couple of smacks to the back of Tommy's head signal a sea change; most definitely not the Paul Hudson we're accustomed to seeing! Leisurely, Paul takes Tommy down with a headlock/hip toss, smirking as he applies the pressure to his young foe. But Tommy quickly escapes by wrapping his long legs around Paul's head for a skull-cracking headscissors! The two go back and forth, reversing each other quickly until another smack on the back of the head sends Tommy sprawling - and his exposed back is too much for Paul's big boots to resist! Tommy's in trouble! Paul punishes the pretty boy with a series of back weakeners, dropping him down across his knee and stretching him there: "Had enough yet, punk?" Paul sneers, rocking his hapless foe in his vicious over the knee submission hold!

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Paul Hudson vs. Tommy Troup
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Other Paul Hudson Matches

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Battle of the Blonds: The babyface rookie agonizes as Hudson hoists him up in his bearhug

Paul in purple: 5'7, 145

Tommy tries to take Paul out

Tommy Troup - 5'10, 140

Tommy trapped in the ropes

Tommy has Hudson in a headscissors

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