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  Cameron Matthews vs. Peter Owens

Cameron is back! - 5'11, 165

Cameron suplexed into the ring

Trampling and trashing Pete's parts

Neck-cranking surfboard submission

Pete Owens winds up to wail

Alas, Poor Cameron! Barefoot Babyface Battered

Cameron Matthews is like the Timex watch of old - he takes a licking yet keeps on ticking. Wise or not, the fresh-faced youngster with the bionic butt never shies away from any other wrestler no matter how big or brutal - nor does he ever back down from a challenge. He has taken some of the biggest beatings in the history of BGEast, yet always comes back for more. His attitude has earned him a lot of respect from the other wrestlers - but that's not the kind of respect he yearns for. He dreamt of being a champion when he was growing up, and that's why he became a pro wrestler. His handsome young face and lean body have also earned him a big following amongst the fans as well - but he isn't interested in being a 'model' type wrestler.

Pete Owens is another young up-and-comer, but he has a different kind of attitude than Cameron. Peter is a 'win at all costs' arrogant young prick who became a wrestler because "if I'm going to kick butt, I might as well get paid for it." He arrives at the ring first wearing sexy spider-webbed trunks, and is relaxing in his corner like Hamlet contemplating poor Yorick's skull, his pet prop, when flashy barefoot Cameron enters with a deft leap over the top rope. Seeing the skull, cocky Cameron can't help but comment, which only serves to whet Pete's appetite for destruction.

If there's a distinct and palpable tension between these two young fighters, it's no wonder. Words were exchanged in the locker room. Cameron offering a limp disingenuous handshake: "Hope you can hang in with me, dude, I move pretty fast. I can go light on you if you want..." Cameron is well-known for his pre-match gamesmanship and snotty attitude. Pete is a scholar as well as a wrestler, thus the Shakespearean allusion, but he also has a hot temper and a visceral need to punish. He's fully aware of Cameron's popularity and is vexed that the more he loses, the more popular he seems to get. "Just get your jobber butt in the ring, pretty boy, and we'll see who goes light on who," Pete says as he 'accidentally' steps on one of Cam's bare feet. The bell rings and the two begin circling... Pete moves in with a knee to Cameron's crotch: "Is that light enough for ya, bitch?" A hit, methinks, a palpable hit! Let the games begin!

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Cameron Matthews vs. Peter Owens
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Cameron's beautiful babyface butt

Camel with a choke & claw

Pete Owens - 6'3, 198

Sweet dreams, job boy!

Surfs up! Cameron's specialty

A big boot to the babyface

Suspended surfboard

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