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  Donnie Drake vs. Nick Naughton

Donnie Drake - 6'1, 205

Nick trapped in the turnbuckles

Hangman hold over the top rope

Naughty Nick's neck in the noose

Two major 205 pound heavyweight hunks locked together in a brutal back-breaking bearhug

Dark Donnie Emerges

Nick's undefeated in his BG East career'we haven't seen muscular Catalog 66 coverboy Tristan since the beating Nick handed him on Fantasymen 30'Naughton is eager to prove Donnie nothing more than another picture-perfect prettyboy to pound. He stretches outside the ring in anticipation. But when Donnie enters, it's with a helping hand that has Naughty Nick gasping for air as his head is forced deep between his own wide-spread thighs! Kicks to the back, a flurry of forearm smashes, a standing reverse headscissors and overwhelmed Nick is flying through the ropes and flailing helplessly as Donnie goes wild in the ring. 'Look at yourself!' Donnie demands, twisting Nick's neck violently, scant inches from his mirror image. Rear and side bodyscissors, stomps, a rude, crude face-smearing slide across the rough ring canvas sets Nick up for a vertebrae-breaking hangman over the top rope with Donnie torturing him from outside the ring.

Nick just can't seem to make any headway against this driven, powerful pro hell-bent on breaking Nick's undefeated run. It's not long before Nick's very sheer white trunks become translucent with sweat, his own and Donnie D's too! Posted to the corner buckles, Donnie wraps his thick thighs around Nick's ribs with a punishing body scissors. No one uses the ropes as well or as often as Donnie does. And Donnie is driven! A brutal boston crab, a cobra clutch sleeper, claw holds to the gut and brain and a long, sweaty, bubble-butt baring, back-breaking bear hug are just a few of the treats in store for the Mr. Undefeated!

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Donnie Drake vs. Nick Naughton
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Nick choked on the ropes!

Donnie clamps on an Iron Claw

Naughty Nick Naughton - 5'11, 205

Cross-body scissors and arm bar

Riding the full boston crab

Sweat-soaked cobra clutch

Dominant Donnie Drake lords over a demolished, previously undefeated Naughty Nick Naughton

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