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  Alexi Adamov vs. Jaxx O'Doul

Alexi Adamov 6'3 215

Alexi gives Jaxx a camel ride

Alexi on his way DOWN!

Brutal bow and arrow, plus!

Backbreaker over the knee

The Test: Pretty Boy or Tough Guy?

Sexy Alexi has quickly become a fan favorite, and you'd have to be blind not to see why. The hot young Russian has everything - smoldering good looks, the worked out defined body, and sex appeal in spades. He has everything it takes for BGEast superstardom - except the win-loss record he hungers for. He yearns to be a champion, and every loss eats at his ego and soul. Jaxx O'Doul is no pushover by any means. He's won a few and lost a few, but has never suffered the intense humiliations Alexi has been through. And of late he's been winning a lot more than he's been losing! Viewing the tape of Alexi's match with Jonny Firestorm only whetted Jaxx's appetite for destruction - and he couldn't sign on the dotted line for the match fast enough. "He's not a wrestler," Jaxx laughed, "he's just a pretty boy, and I eat pretty boys for breakfast." Jaxx knows his way around the ring and has been learning mat techniques from Mikey Vee. Jaxx's own fresh-faced looks conceal a killer instinct and a desire to be the best no matter what it takes - or who he has to step on to get there. Sexy Alexi is already in the ring stretching when Jaxx arrives, and his friendly attempts to shake hands are disdained by Jaxx, who obviously considers the young Russian stud not to be in his league. "Pay attention while I'm kicking your ass," Jaxx sneers, "you might learn something." A few quick takedowns, and Jaxx's confidence rises to new levels - its obvious he thinks Sexy Alexi is all look and no skill. He offers to let Alexi get a headlock on him, but Alexi quickly slips into the opening and hip tosses Jaxx down, then clamps on a brutal armbar! Alexi repays the young big boy taunt for taunt. Jaxx is more experienced and when the opportunity presents itself, he reverses the hold and now it's Alexi's turn to scream. Enraged by Alexi's 'betrayal,' Jaxx throws away the rule book and starts beating on Alexi, weakening and torturing the stud's back until a wrenching single leg boston crab has Alexi tapping out his submission. First fall: Jumpin' Jaxx!

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Spotlight: Alexi Adamov


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Alexi Adamov vs. Jaxx O'Doul
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Stiff arm bar and neck crank

Alexi's fireman's carry and slam

Jaxx O'Doul 6'2, 230

Jaxx punishes the pretty boy

Jaxx pauses to admire himself

Size 13 boots on Alexi's back

Alexi escapes and reverses

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