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  Dante Lesen vs. Kirk Donahue

Dante Lesen: 6'3, 180 lbs

Dante smirks in confidence, feeling his opponent's hesitance signals fear of his towering stature

The jolly green giant gets snatched up in Kirk's powerful, punishing side headlock before the mirror

Twisting the tall jobber's legs up, Kirk leans back, working over his bigger opponent masterfully

All his advantage brought to ruin, Dante screams and begs for mercy in a camel clutch, nelson combo

Dante just can't catch a break! His lengthy arm wrapped, twisted and stomped wickedly in the ropes

Kirk's Dark Mirror Reflecting Darkly

Check out Dante Lesen for size. In the ring, Kirk Donahue is halfway through a wisecrack when Dante steps up on the apron. Surprise, surprise. The new hire seems a foot taller with an ear-to-ear smile that's both gleeful and daunting. "Okay. All right," Kirk says with a hint of whimper in his voice and backs up a few inches. Classic Kirk. Dante steps over the top rope. He doesn't bother to leap. The two men circle each other. Quickly over the initial shock, Kirk quips, "Looks like you're here ready to wrestle. Is that what we gonna do today?" Dante replies, "Let's see." They lockup with force. Keep in mind, a firm lockup is one of the manliest gestures in professional wrestling. It signals both fair play and pugnacity. This ship is ready to sail.

Kirk backs Dante to a ring corner, struggling more than he thought he would have to. He releases and backpedals to the center of the ring. "Let's see what you got," he says, a little breathlessly. The two lockup again. With plenty of heaving and grunting, Kirk finds himself backing into the corner ropes, the new hire towering above him. Keep in mind, Kirk is usually the easygoing competitor. Now he's not. Or perhaps the alter ego, the mirror Kirk, is the wrestlers we're seeing now? He kicks Dante's hip. Dante falls on his butt. Kirk follows up with a boot heel to the guy's chest, then extra stomps to the elbow and ribs, capped with a knee to the spine. At this point, the easygoing segment of our program has reached an end.

Kirk pulls his opponent up into a side headlock, a sexy classic that Kirk has practiced to perfection. Dante winces as Kirk tightens the hold with multiple stiff twists to the giant's neck. Kirk stretches the hold for the sheer pleasure of it. It's a sensual hold, probably more so standing than reclining, and Kirk could teach an anaconda a lesson or two in the art of sultry ruination. Dante gags and gasps for air. Like many a heel before him, Kirk drags Dante to the ringside mirror so the newcomer can witness his own destruction. All Dante hears is the pounding of Donahue's heart, muffling the heel's insults. Donahue hauls him over his hip and slams his back to the mat.

For the next nine minutes, Kirk throws everything he's got at the newbie. And that's a lot, and every savage assault is perfection, with Kirk barely breaking a sweat. Then, he charges in on Dante, who's hanging off the corner ropes. Dante thrusts his whole body up in the air, and Kirk slams his shoulder against the hard ring post. Still throbbing with pain, Kirk backs up into Dante's brawny arms. Kirk howls while Dante crushes his ribs. But Dante's hope spot turns into a mere speck when Kirk mule-kicks his crotch. Maybe Kirk was just playing possum earlier. Scholars will be debating that point for decades. All we know is that Dante Leson is about to endure a hell of a whupping.

We are not even halfway through the fight. Kirk is far from done with his giant challenger, and he's sweating like a horse as he promises Dante, "All I have to do is put you away," as he merrily tears Leson limb from limb. Does Dante get a second hope spot? Does he pull a surprise victory over badass Kirk? The series title tells the tale. Fans of hot beatdown, arise!

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Dante Lesen vs. Kirk Donahue
27 minutes

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Kirk lets out a blood-chilling roar as he works on breaking Dante's back in a boston crab midring

Nobody puts Dante in a corner! He strikes back and fires a big boot into the face of an encroaching Kirk

Dante's long lean body gets inverted and hangs over Kirk's back in a suspended submission hold

Dante's chin gets crunched into his chest, falling into oblivion in a tight, crushing full nelson

As if getting knocked out wasn't bad enough, Dante gets the heel's bulge in his slack-jawed face

Kirk shows his true colors, unshaken this whole time with the inevitable jobber draped on his shoulders

Kirk Donahue: 5'10, 170 lbs

Kirk turns on the thrusters, rocketing his shoulder quick, hard, and deep into the jobber's gut

Kirk's carefully curated heel cred appears at risk as he's yanked up in a crushing reverse bearhug

A cornered Dante's head snaps violently to the side, eating a big boot to the face from the heel

Dante finds himself getting a taste of his own medicine, snatched up in Kirk's reverse bearhug

Dante is trampled underfoot and serves as nothing but a prop for a flexing Kirk's display of dominance

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