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  Jerel Andretti vs. Jaguar

Jaguar - 5'8, 180

Backbreaker over the knee

Jaguar jags Jerel over the top rope

Powerfully applied camel clutch

Jerel Andretti hoisted high in the Jaguars back breaking bear hug

Hotblooded, or, A Bearhug and Backbreaker Battering

Sexy muscle stud Jerel Andretti wants to be a BGEast superstar, and like so many other wrestlers before him, he is more than willing to prove his mettle (and ingratiate himself) by doing chores for The Boss in exchange for ring time and training. So, on a cold January afternoon after a winter storm, Jerel finds himself picking up debris and shoveling snow off the walk behind the manse. "Eh, it's good exercise," he keeps telling himself as load after load of snow is dumped along side the walk. Focused on his chore, he doesn't notice a man approaching in an EMT uniform. "Hey man - that fallen tree over there is a fire hazard," the EMT says, interrupting Jerel. The already exhausted hunk glances over, and nods. "Okay, man, I'll take care of it as soon as I finish my shoveling."

"I don't think you heard me," the EMT replies, getting right in Jerel's face. "You need to take care of the tree right now!" Annoyed, Jerel shoves the EMT away - only to have the EMT slug him! Pissed, Jerel grabs the EMT and the two struggle in the snow. Fired up, Jerel hops to his feet. "You want to fight me?" He shouts. " Come on, man, let's take this inside! There's a ring there !Come on!" He storms off to the house, followed by the EMT. But unbeknownst to Jerel, he is being set up! He hasn't been around long enough to know how much The Boss enjoys playing tricks on his boys, to test their mettle and see if they rise to the occasion, so to speak! And this is no ordinary EMT - this is none other than the notorious Jaguar, a brutal street thug The Boss has lured into the BGEast stable. And Jaguar was more than willing to go along with teaching Jerel a thing or two...

"Nice set-up," Jaguar says as they walk into the arena. Hot-blooded Jerel is already in the ring in his tight jeans about to strip down to his wrestling trunks. "Come on, man!" he yells, bouncing on his toes and flexing his powerful muscles. Jaguar just laughs at him as he strips out of his bulky EMT gear and down to his own trunks, and when he gets close to the ring the eager Jerel comes after him - only to be levelled by a brutal gutpunch, and choked in the middle rope! Jaguar just laughs and flexes while hunky Jerel gathers splutters and spits... Jaguar goes after the hunky rookie with a special focus on battering and breaking down his back: bearhug, over the knee back breaker, rack, camel clutch, a suspended surfboard with two big boots planted in Jerel's back! This dark, sexy, humpy rookie boy is in for one hell of a heel beating courtesy of a hot Jaguar!

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Jerel Andretti vs. Jaguar
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Jaguar punishes Jerel with a double booted suspended surfboard

Jerel suffers in Jaguar's bearhug

Jerel Andretti - 5'8, 175

Jerel challenges the Jaguar

Bearhugged into the corner post

The Jaguar racks Jerel Andretti

Jerel flexes as he tries to break free of the Jaguar's full nelson

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