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  Kirk Donahue vs. Sunny DeLeon

Dark Kirk Donahue: 5'10, 170 lbs

Sunny won't be stepping through the ropes to safety anytime soon as his balls get busted

Sunny suffers as jobber cum heel Kirk flexes for his (our) pleasure in the mirror

Kirk brings his bigger crushing weight to bear with a seated rope choke on his jobber

Kirk has one mode in this match: destroy! A big double boot stomp facefirst into the turnbuckle

An armbar jap strangle combination has Sunny in a world of hurt in his debut ring match

The Sunny Also Rises, but there's a Bad Moon a-rising!

There was a time when the name 'Kirk Donahue' was, for want of a better phrase, another word for the towel other wrestlers used to mop up the ring. Despite his sparkling smile, his impressive bulge and award-winning ass, the lean freckle-faced wrestler just never could, it seemed, catch a break at BGEast and took some impressive beatings over the years from some of the nastiest toughs the Boss could find to beat him like a drum. Some wrestlers never learn, never improve, and go on being chewed up and spat out with relative ease by every heel on the roster - but somehow this 'Kirk' wasn't one of those wrestlers. Kirk liked to compete, and like all athletes with a competitive nature, he hated to fucking lose more than anything else - and some of those beatings he took have become legendary. He'd gotten sick of listening to the other guys mocking him as No-Win Dona-Who? Around the locker room and in the gym. Despite the agony, despite the pain, Kirk was determined to learn from those beatings and become better. More workouts, more training, more practice, more studying the film of his matches and learning. Will Kirk ever become an actual winner, or is all this talk of 'a heel Kirk' just another cruel prank of the Boss?

Sunny DeLeon climbs into the ring having done his own homework on classic Kirk. The rookie has also studied most matches of his foe, seeing exactly where Kirk went wrong when he had a chance, and what his blind spots are. He knows which weaknesses to go after, and feels confident he can bring the ring veteran down even lower, maybe even surprise him with a rookie win! He stretches and warms up, pumping his muscles a bit and getting the blood flowing. Kirk climbs through the ropes and joins him in some push-ups, while keeping an eye on the youngster. So focused is Sunny on his exercises he doesn't see Kirk leap to his feet and bring down a vicious brutal elbow down in the center of his back, then follow that up with a lot more brutality, including a standing head scissors with the poor kid's throat pushed down on the center rope while Kirk happily and proudly shows off his amazing arms in a double biceps pose!

The look in Kirk's eye is one we've rarely seen before from the leanly muscled stud - was he clearly paying attention during all those beatdowns he suffered, and relishing the opportunity to show off a new improved Kirk Donahue to his poor hapless opponent? He pounds poor Sunny's head into the corner one, two, three, four times until the kid collapses again into the center of the ring, shaking his head, trying to wake up to what is happening here! Who IS this Kirk Donahue? This brutal stud who clearly is enjoying beating and wearing down this poor rookie who can't even muster any kind of offense, even when the opportunity is presented to him!

Kirk offers his torso to the BG East newcomer: "Go ahead, best shot!" only to laugh at the weakened youngster's attempts to inflict some pain on his lithe form - which opens the door to some more kicks, slams, suplexes and forearm smashes... Kirk tauntingly lies down on his side to watch Sunny writhe in agony on the mat, resting his head on his hand and asking him politely if he's quite finished yet? Before Sunny can even mouth out anything other than a moan of pain, Kirk puts him through the ringer with a brutal series of suplexes that leave the kid crumpled like a candy wrapper in a trash can. But this Kirk is enjoying himself too much to even think about mercy, or any kind of sympathy as he starts digging into his arsenal of moves and holds. Yet Sunny somehow manages to keep refusing to give up, to submit, to surrender - perhaps thinking at some point he'll get another shot at redemption? Kirk Donahue has been on the receiving end of brutal beatings far too many times for him to let up, or let the kid off easy... it seems he's getting some of his own back!

There's a new Kirk Donahue in town, and whether he's a brutal twin brother from another dimension (see BG East's Mirror, Mirror match vs Biff Farrell), or another BGEast babyface who has finally snapped at the brutality only its roster can pull off... this Kirk Donahue is not the jobboy we once knew! As jobber Sunny slowly and painfully finds out.

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Kirk Donahue vs. Sunny DeLeon
28 minutes

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Kirk barrels in like an enraged bull, driving his shoulder deep into Sunny's open core

Kirk cranks back, working over his victim's injured back with a boston crab

Kirk wraps his legs around Sunny's flailing yet pliable body as he ties him up in painful knots

A big boot from a big heel to Sunny's chin nearly sends his head flying

Kirk flexes his powerful bicep with his legs coiling and crushing in a bodyscissors

Another triumphant bicep flex as Sunny writhes helpless and hurting on the mats

Sunny DeLeon: 5'6, 140 lbs

Ever the heel, Kirk uses the ropes to up the pressure on his jobber with a figure 4 headscissors

Sunny gets bound and stretched out over the ring ropes with an inverted headlock

A prostrated Sunny gets his handsome face ground into the mats under his conqueror's knee

Kirk continues to ride Sunny into the ropes, driving his face into the corner turnbuckle

Continuing to be wrapped, twisted and bent, Sunny doesn't have a prayer in this bout

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