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  Bryan Idol vs. Kirk Donahue

Bryan Idol: 6'2, 205 lbs

Idol looks to break Donahue down with a big arm drop across his broad shoulders

Kirk finds his world turned upside down as the long-haired indie studs preps to piledrive him

Donahue's thick muscle bulges as his pit sucks the wind from Idol's sails

Idol puts Donahue's aptly-named handlebar mustache to good use with a rope-bound face claw

Kirk lies bulging helplessly as Bryan schoolboys and wails away at his muscled bod

BAD Luck o' the Irish Hipster

Two men, opposite corners of the ring, warm up and ready for combat. They sneak glances at each other as they stretch and get their blood pumping, Bryan Idol with the long locks of a heavy metal star, Kirk Donahue playing up his Irish heritage, with his shamrock earring and his green trunks and his old-style handlebar mustache. Kirk is a master of the ring at BG East, but it's unclear what it takes to snap him into 'Incredible Hulk' heel rage, or whether he'll continue to be the earnest jobber that has so often been his fate. Bryan is all classic pro, and his confidence doesn't make him invulnerable...

The bell rings, and they circle each other, eyes warily focused on the other as they take each other's measure. A feint here, a parry there, and finally they come together in the center with a good old-fashioned pro test of strength, muscles straining with their hands locked, each trying to get the advantage over the other. At first, advantage to Bryan, as he forces Kirk down to his knees. But Kirk isn't weak nor is he unskilled, and he forces his way back up to his feet, and Bryan down to his knees. Bryan's too arrogant to let Kirk get the upper hand - and a well-place boot to Kirk's abs takes care of that disadvantage quite nicely, thank you very much!

Ever the wisened opportunist, Bryan puts Kirk into a brutal wristlock, bending that hand back till you can almost play the stretched tendons like a violin, and just as Kirk might be thinking about a submission it switches into an even nastier armbar, the tendons in Kirk's wrist no longer aching as much as the ones in his shoulder! Up his arm goes, as Kirk's face twists in agony. Another brutal headlock and Kirk is rolled up into a pin - and escapes before the three-count! Kirk tries to escape from the ring, just to get a sense of himself, to regain his bearings and collect himself, but Bryan will have none of that! "Where do you think you're going?" he roars, grabbing Kirk's boots and pulling him back into the ring for some more punishment. Bryan's just getting started!

Kirk manages to get some offense going - taking Bryan down with an armbar, but the wily stud reverses it on him! Some leg torture, anyone? Kirk again tries to get away, but when he makes it to the ropes it's clear just why Bryan let him crawl away. The ropes, after all, are a very handy tool to use when you want to, say, cut off your foe's air? And Bryan does just that, as Kirk's face reddens as he struggles to get air, the windpipe cut off, his eyes bulging...and now it's time for handlebar torture.

Bryan's not above grabbing Kirk's handlebars and giving them a healthy yank! "Fucking hipster!" A few punches and a couple of kicks send hapless Kirk rolling back into the center of the ring...and Bryan comes stalking after him. But just when it looks like it's curtains for Kirk - he finds some deep well of strength to draw from, and it's sheer will that helps him throw some brutal elbows that take a surprised Bryan down for a two-count! Kirk goes after Bryan's shoulder, but Bryan grabs the ropes - and in a surprising and stupid show of sportsmanship, Kirk releases the hold that could have made victory his for the taking.

Bryan's blood is raging dare this little bitch almost pin him? He's out for blood now, and he throws Kirk into the ropes. Hanging there limply, he is helpless to stop Bryan from tying him up in the ropes, and now he just droops, held up almost cruelly by the ropes, his abs and chest exposed, there for the taking. Kirk is unable to defend himself against the blows that are sure to come. And come they do, raining down on his defenseless torso - elbows and fists and knees, Kirk is pummeled mercilessly . He tries to kick at his tormenter - but Bryan just stands back, out of his reach, laughing and taunting him until Kirk finally somehow manages to get one arm free - but will it be enough to change the course of this match? On and on the two fight, Kirk's body taking more punishment than any man should be able to stand, somehow managing to rally for yet another try to beat Bryan once and for all...

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Bryan Idol vs. Kirk Donahue
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Jobberpaloozer 16 Arena Galleries

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A shoulder-wrecking armlock from the hunky babyface has long-haired Idol yelling in pain

Kirk's award-nominated booty on display as Bryan yanks him around the ring by his head

Kirk bends Idol's back to near breaking in a camel clutch and watches himself work in the mirror

Kirk clings to the ropes to force a break against Idol's joint-wrecking leglock submission

Idol looks ready to end this beatdown of Donahue with a victorious roar ahead of the piledriver

Kirk flops and thrashes desperately in a bid to escape Idol's bodyscissors, chickenwing combo

Kirk Donahue: 5'10, 170 lbs

Kirk's handsome face is driven and ground into the mat as Bryan wrenches his arm up his back

An unkempt Idol looks like an untamed wildman as he rips at Kirk's villainous hipster groomed 'stach

Kirk's beautifully sculpted core is tortured and twisted in Idol's relentless abstretch

Idol looms over head, using the ropes to ratchet the pressure with a grinding boot to Kirk's pecs

Kirk grovels helpless at the feet of the conquering Idol who dares him to get back to his feet

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