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  Lon Dumont vs. Terry O'Daly

Lon flexes his ripped bod

Terry cranks on a tight bodyscissors

Going for a bearhug submission

Lon struggles in Terry's hug

Lon slams a boot into his side variation on the Indian deathlock: Punishing!

Steamroller - or - For The Love of Leglocks!

The lines are drawn now. This is a battle between the showoff and the hulk. The body beautiful versus the big Irish bruiser. Having lost the first fall, Lon Dumont bristles. Out of shame, perhaps, he remains on the mat, all but licking his wounds. His slowness to rebound offers Terry yet again a point of attack, and O'Daly slides into the man, clamping his massive thighs round Lon's tight, rock-hard waist.

What dexterity Terry lacks to manipulate his opponent, he makes up for with the fortitude of a steamroller. One thigh of his is as thick as Dumont's trim waist, and the two big thighs together crunch down on Lon's dapper body. Grunting and groaning, Dumont desperately tries to pull himself over to the ring ropes, having used them to escape once in round one. This would be hard enough to do given the pain he's in, practically impossible as he tries to drag Terry's big bulk along with him as he goes.

Here Lon's ring know-how and pro experience saves him. Using his elbow and triceps, he chops away at Terry's leg, forcing a break. The big man limps away to nurse his ravaged leg. Wasting no time, Dumont kicks the man's legs out from under him and then hauls him back up and whips him to the turnbuckle. Calling together all his strength and all his training, Lon begins to whittle the giant down to size. No longer strutting for the camera's approval, he calls up the fighter inside him. He brutally attacks Terry's shoulders and back, as well as those hurting legs. Terry grimaces but refuses to submit.

Once again Lon goes for the Boston crab for the finish, but once again his stalwart opponent heaves free. But where the crab fails, the figure four succeeds. No amount of brute strength is enough to escape Lon's tenacious clamp on Terry's legs, and the burly wrestler cries, "I quit". Even with sore ribs, the victorious Lon Dumont can't resist flexing his muscles in the mirror, while Terry writhes on the mat at his feet.

Entering round three, both wrestlers are worn to a frazzle. Neither is as sure of his advantage as he was at the start. At least this time Lon doesn't make the mistake of waiting on his opponent to make the first move. Lon uses his knowledge of fancy holds to weaken the new guy, with leglocks to rival certain 'leopardlocks' in ferocity! Terry uses raw physical force to slow the muscle god down - most effectively in a deliciously prolonged bear hug. Lon has learned a lesson, perhaps, but he is far from humble. The match action goes back and forth as the two sweaty competitors go at it with everything they've got.

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Lon Dumont vs. Terry O'Daly
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Standing reverse figure 4

Lon pins and presses Terry's pec to set up the irish bruiser for a leg crunching Indian deathlock

Terry flexes his biceps

Lon pulls Terry up by the hair

Seated surfboard stretch

Lifted up in a full nelson

Rookie Terry O'Daly exults as he rises from dealing some punishment to Lon Dumont

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