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  Christopher Bruce vs. Cole Cassidy

Hammerlock and wedgie

Humiliating the jobber

Chris works his own headscissors

Chris crushed and crumbled

Chris' comeback crushed

Head Scissors and Heart Punches!

Proving those bulging biceps are just as powerful as they look, Chris brutally beats Cole with one breath-takingly backbreaking bearhug after another. Floundering in frustration, Cole frees himself from Chris's confines, only to be slammed face first into the corner turnbuckle. In a dizzying daze, Cole staggers from the corner...right into the Christopher's open, waiting and welcoming arms. A series of relentlessly ruthless bearhugs and bodyslams brings several submissive screams from the usually dominant and always cocky Cole. At a loos for what to do and his strength and energy slowing ebbing, Cole reached down and wedges Chris' trunks high up his butt crack, revealing one bounteous, biteable bubblebutt. A distracted and demoralized Chris falls victim to Cole's ball-busting tactics. Cole exacts some terrifying revenge on our ever-popular blue-eyed babyface - including Cole's deadly heart punch finisher. And while Cole's revenge is sweet....the visuals are even sweeter for us!

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Christopher Bruce vs. Cole Cassidy
28 minutes

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Cole aims low

Spine crunching surfboard

Cocky Cole on top

Heart punch set-up

Sweat soaked super studs

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