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  Jake Jenkins vs. Flash LaCash

Flash easily carts Jake up high for a backbreaker

Flash relentlessly works on the lower back, using a chin lock to bend his opponent in half!

Clearly delighting in his work, Flash wrecks the athletic jobber's neck and back in a camel

Jake tries to battle to his feet, but cannot fight off the effects of the crushing headscissors

Sweat-drenched, Flash stands ready to count out a broken prettyboy under foot

A Smart Ass in Need of a Spanking

"I hope you had your protein shake," Flash laughs as Jake begins to pry his sweat soaked muscles off the mat after giving away a humbling first fall submission to the BG East newcomer. "Helping" him up by a revealing yank of Jake's red, white and blue trunks, Flash maintains his tunnel vision: demolish Jake's gorgeously muscled back! He traps the Best Babyface in the business in the ropes and takes his own sweet time delivering precision aimed knee strikes into Jake's quivering lower lumbar. The brutalized young hunk can do nothing but take this torture as rivers of sweat pour off his glistening, battered but bound muscles.

"How's that back," Flash smirks, reaching randomly into his bag of pro heel back busters to begin to pry apart his shocked and awed opponent, vertebrae by vertebrae: Repeated scoop slams send electric shocks of agony up Jake's throbbing spine. From a fireman's carry, the pro heel deposits his prey in a reverse tree of woe, leaving Jake's tormented back wide open for more expertly applied stomps. Dragging him by his hair back into the ring, Flash ties Jake's spine into knots with a gruesomely vicious lion tamer that makes the babyface beauty scream a panicked submission.

"Warmed up yet?" Flash taunts, flexing his beautiful, bronzed muscles in the mirror as he waits for his opponent to peel his soaking carcass off the floor. "Had enough yet?" he asks as Jake gets to his feet. But a breathtaking standing drop-kick from Jake catches his cocky opponent completely off guard. As most of Jake's opponents will attest, he's one stubborn, calculating hunk who will refuse to be counted out. His endlessly trained wrestling brain and experienced physique can also soak up quite a lot of punishment and still mount a counterattack despite the agony his muscles are screaming.

Appropriately named, this pro heel's flashing rage begins to turn the heat way up on the icy athlete. Soul sucking bodyscissors milk the fight right back out of flailing Jake. Even Flash can't help but get his hands on the babyface's sweet ass, landing cracking slaps across the sweat soaked red, white and blues. But no matter how overwhelmingly vicious the pro heel gets, he just can't quite slap the smart ass out of Jake's beautifully battered body. "Refresh my memory," Flash snarls, "how many wins do you have?"

"All of them!" Jake defies belief, provoking his terrifying opponent to boil over with still more rage. Just how far Flash has to go to silence the stunningly stubborn babyface beauty once and for all will leave you, and Jake, breathless.

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Jake Jenkins vs. Flash LaCash
28 minutes

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Extra torture! Flash's devastating and unique holds push the limits

Hung out to dry: the rope digs into Jake's pulverized abs

All twisted up, Jake suffers a standing abstretch, bow and arrow, jap strangle combo!

A ripped Flash pounds into the torqued chest of the handsome, abstretched stud

The sweat-drenched jobber is immobilized by a boston crab

Jenkins about to break from a neck-cranking full nelson

The jobber grovels at Flash's feet, ready to beg for mercy

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