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  Austin Cooper vs. Mister E

Where's the beef?! Right here!

Choke! Crushing Mr E's windpipe

Boner bulging jobber unmasked?

Agony! Coop takes his time incrementally applying a knee-crunching figure 4 leglock

Pausing to balance, savor and trample: Mr E where he belongs, under the boot of the muscle stud

Awesome Austin! One-Man Show, One-Man Demolition!

And the beating begins even before the bell! Austin Cooper stomps on Mister E's back while E is doing his warm-up pushups. He follows the initial (and unprovoked) assault with a series of ring-rattling body slams. He whips Mister E from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, from corner to post. He targets the masked wrestler's spine with kicks, shoulder thrusts, and knee drops and jabs. He commands his victim to submit. E is paralyzed by pain and fear and cannot speak a word. At last he squeaks out a submission. "Too late now," Austin quips and continues to torment the smaller, weaker, and less experienced new guy.

Talk about your bad first days on the job! Austin is fighting in a black leather vest today and it fits him and suits him perfectly: it screams "bad guy," but not as loudly as Mister E screams. He pulls the vest off after gaining the first of many submissions, none of them doing E much good because Austin's bludgeoning is unrelenting. Coop uses the discarded vest to choke his opponent for (you guessed it) another screaming submission.

Mister E clings to the ropes, begging for mercy, or at least for some basic consideration of fair rules of combat. Yet, through all the yelps and pleas for mercy, it's fairly obvious that some part of E likes this abuse. Let's just say you won't need your glasses to see what part that is, either, especially given the brevity of Mr E's very sexy briefs!! And God damn Austin Cooper is sizzling hot in this match! His torso glistening with sweat, he rolls the rookie over the mat like he's kneading dough. Cracking E's spine across his shoulders in a back-breaking torture rack, he doesn't ignore the screams ... he savors them.

He bends the man in two in a lingering, long-ride Boston crab. Mister E grabs the bottom rope, pleading for Coop to break the hold. Austin drags him, still bent in half, to the center of the ring and sneers, "How about now? You got the rope?" Austin piledrives the dude! Then he slaps him back to consciousness just so he can piledrive him all over again. This is the Austin Cooper you always sensed lurking behind the apple cheeks and pearly teeth. It's an unforgettable performance, pretty much just a one-man show since he uses Mister E like a theatrical prop. It's hardly what anybody would call a sporting contest. But amazing? Hell yes it is, one of BG East's best, which is to say it's going to be legendary.

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16: Austin's Heel Turn


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Austin Cooper vs. Mister E
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Body breaking bulge inducing submission hold. Mister E can't submit fast enough

Cocky heel hunk coyly hooks the leg and drops a knee during the pin

Bulging bridging surfboard

Trampled: Leather vest throttle

Back bending his big-boned boy

Stomping the helpless jobber

Terrifying tombstone piledriver caught a second before impact! And it's not the only one!

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