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  Joshua Goodman vs. Austin Raines

Pinned: Muscles & bulges on display

Punishing pedigree piledriver

Choke the chump: Bulge battle

Austin up by the hair & trunks

Folded & pressed tightly, arms and legs locked, Austin's trapped and facing his own bulge

Rules of The Game - and A Shocker of an Ending!

Barely five minutes into the action, and already it's pretty clear that this is going to be a humdinger firecracker of a toe-to-toe classic we'll be talking about years from now. After his initial ignominy, Josh comes back to make Austin submit in a backbreaking rack airplane spin. But the "I give" in no way abates Goodman's wrath. He smashes his bare foot to the kid's abs with a slap that turns your skin pink just to hear it. He works Austin's "spaghetti arms" and grinds his head in a long, slow scissors, administered as Goodman does so extraordinarily well, until the lean bad boy croaks out an "I give" again. But Mr. J promises that young Austin has only had a small taste of what he's got coming to him, especially after the kid just tauntingly rubbed his nose into his humiliating beating and humiliation at the hands of The Bodywrecker. Goodman continues to work the young wrestler's long arms and legs relentlessly. Austin cries foul, protesting that he's already submitted and said, "I give." Joshua shoots back, "I don't care." This is going to be rough!

Joshua slams Austin back and forth across the ring like he's beating a rug. Austin moans, barely conscious of anything except the intense stinging pain shooting through his limbs. Joshua pins his shoulders to the mat and counts a slow "one ... two ..." and then, at the last second, changes his mind before "three." A false pin! Now he's determined to see just how much punishment the rookie can take. By now Goodman's hands are so clearly silhouetted on Austin's pasty white butt cheeks you could dust them for his fingerprints. With a full nelson slapped on the punk, Goodman calls for the submission yet again. Raines, mouth dry and skin scraped raw, can barely speak. But, yes, he gives ... again! And again Goodman doesn't give a shit. Gloating, and never as full of himself as he is at this moment - and Goodman has hit some lofty peaks of self-esteem before this - - Mr. Joshua begins to lecture the kid on his personal rules of ring combat, with a brief interlude to enumerate his measurements: 18 inch arms, 32.5-inch waist, 46 inch chest. Take notes. The final exam is yet to come. At this point, we figure Austin's tortured body is about to evaporate out of sheer agony. But the match isn't over, not by a long shot. Goodman has already won the match some six or seven times over. Still, he continues to pound Raines into the mat. But how much can a body take? You will be surprised.

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Joshua Goodman vs. Austin Raines
28 minutes

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Josh taunts a battered Austin but is the feisty welterweight really out?

Austin's going for a big ride

Reverse schoolboy face smother

Atomic wedgie revenge! Wow!

Joshua plants his package

Mormon sickle bow and arrow

Mr Joshua plants a foot on Austin's pecs: Is the welterweight wonder trampled and trounced?

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