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  Rico Rave vs. Cameron Matthews

Cameron cranks a headlock/armbar

Oh no! THIS can't be good!

Rico covers Cameron for a cradle

Cam cornered: Big boot to the throat

Rico sets up his nelson camel

Turnabout Isn't Fair Play

Rico doesn't take the kid seriously, leveling him time after time with a brutal assault -- and rather than finishing him off when Cameron is down, Rico heads over to the mirror to admire himself. A standard rule of wrestling is never give your opponent a chance to recover'but raving Rico does, again and again. This time it doesn't seem to be a mistake because Cameron is still down when Rico deigns to return to his attack. And despite his reputation for 'anything goes after the bell,' Rico actually sticks to traditional ring wrestling moves and still keeps beating Cameron down. But when Cameron manages to get his senses about him and puts on an all-too-brief show of offense before being leveled yet one more time -- finally Rico takes him seriously as a threat to win the match! And then the gloves come off'

The beating grows more and more intense as Rico becomes more and more enraged. But the determined young man doesn't want to give up, and soon the match turns into a contest of a different sort. Rather than who is going to win, it becomes about how much can Rico dish out, how much can Cameron take'and the frustration in his refusal to surrender only makes the beating worse as Rico throws everything he has at him'and somehow Cameron manages to fight on, rallying from time to time to throw a surprise at Rico! And when Cameron does submit -- Rico doesn't seem to care -- and now Rico puts on a frightening show of viciousness and brutality rarely equaled in the annals of BGEast!

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Rico Rave vs. Cameron Matthews
33 minutes

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Cameron agonizes in the corner

Rico Rave's bump 'n grind

Choke! Rico goes for the throat

Cameron shoots a roll-up pin

Cam gags; Rico admires himself

Cameron bent in a boston

Rico lords over Cameron

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