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  Jonny Firestorm vs. Rico Rave

Wrenching double gut claw

Rico folded and pressed: Jonny's tight jacknife smother pin

Pounding Jonny's bread basket

Figure 4 leg: Who's got who?

Clawhold! Grabbing Jonny by the balls: Rico goes down deep

A couple of cheap shots (Rico got there first) soon have Jonny writhing on the mat. Rico is ready to drive to Sadist Town! He likes nothing more than to savor slow, methodical torture, working a particular body part until his foe is so broken down he can offer only token resistance?and in this first fall, it?s the youngster?s knee he goes after with a crippler?s brutality. In fact, it looks like Rico?s pretty much decided to end the youngster?s career! Finally, Jonny can take the intensifying pain no longer and screams out his submission?

But Jonny is no pushover, and he never gives up, no matter what?a trait that has earned him the respect of his fellow wrestlers and a huge fan following. He can always find the inner strength to keep fighting back, to keep screaming ?fuck you!? no matter how much pain he?s in, and considering that the assault on his leg has hobbled him, he keeps bouncing up for more, waiting for his chance to unleash his own arsenal on Rico?even despite the foreign object that nearly takes his head off, and despite the continued attacks on his already weakened knee, in and out of the ring.

The battle rages on, more and more one-sided, as Rico has to reach down further and further into his aresenal of dirty tricks to punish the youngster. Slams, punches, ball-grabs and low-blows, full jumps onto Jonny's belly - nothing is off-limits, nothing is sacred, no part of Jonny?s body safe from assault, but he doggedly refuses to give in?until finally his body can take no more! This beating will be talked about for years to come!

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Jonny Firestorm vs. Rico Rave
31 minutes

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Demolition 12 Arena Galleries

Thems some Jonny Cakes!

Laid low: Jonny's Fire extinguished?

Bodypress: Jonny's going down

Uh oh! This can't be good...

Breathe deep! 175 lbs of Rico Rave coming in for a crash landing!

Fantastic RicoRave backbreaker

Perfect form: Jon's spot-on dropkick

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