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  Chace LaChance vs. Jayden Mayne

Chace Lachance - 5'9, 185 lbs

Chace works Jayden's smaller body with the same ease as a pair of 20 lb dumbbells

A neck-crunching full nelson is only the beginning of the Demolition of Jayden

Chace distracted by his own perfect reflection as he swings his opponent like a ragdoll

Jayden's shoulder blades meet as Chace's powerful bearhug nearly collapses his body

Chace decides on leg day: his powerful quads crush his lanky victim's midsection

Chace's Gym

Ever fantasize about having a personal trainer as fit and sexy as Chace LaChance? It may not be all you would like it to be. For one thing, only one person gets Chace's undivided, expert attention, and that person is Chace, 24/7/365. You step into this guy's shadow at the gym and he shoots you the evil eye. You use a piece of equipment he wants to use, and he treats you like dirt. Our pal Jayden Mayne had a bad run-in with this dude a few weeks back. Here Jayden was doing his regular routine, minding his business, and up walks Chace, pecs and abs rolling like an approaching thunderhead.

Jayden didn't do a thing, and all of a sudden this muscled lug starts disrespecting the kid's physique, which is not half bad, in our opinion. Chace acts like the BG East workout room is his personal and exclusive gym or something! He even says so, looming over Jayden, trying to intimidate the guy. Jayden plays it all cool and stuff, but Chace won't stop riding his butt, telling Mayne he ought to be using the girls' equipment instead. So Jayden just stands there, staring at LaChance as the big guy buffs his muscles all nice and pretty.

Chace orders him to back off. Jayden says, "Let's take this shit upstairs," or roughly words to that effect, meaning up to the wrestling ring over the workout room. "I'm gonna destroy that little kid," Chace mutters, taking a few last-minute tugs at the lats machine before following Jayden to the wrestling ring. Jayden cannot wait to mix it up with this douche-bag. He sucker-punches Chace in the midsection, and Mister Beautiful folds up like an aluminum beach chair. Jayden follows up with some blows to the back, and Chace is groaning and wobbling back and forth like a man twice his age.

Once back up on his feet and steady, Chace takes charge, though, sneaking up on Jayden from behind and cranking up a full nelson. That's a serious hold, if you didn't already know that, but then he just tosses the kid to the mat like it's not even worth his time to wrestle him. "I feel much better when I look at myself than when I look at you," he crows, popping his biceps in front of the mirror again. He offers Jayden a free shot at putting the full-nelson hold on him this time. Jayden clamps in tight, and Chace puts up a bigger struggle than he probably expected to, but he escapes and reverses.

He gives Mayne a good roughing up: clutches, yanking him up by his short haircut, over-the-knee back-busters, till Jayden finally gives, not once, not twice, but, at Chace's insistence, three times. The big guy follows up with a 90-second full nelson, clearly bent on demolishing the kid's back and shoulders. Body scissors follow, as do arm bars, illegal use of the ropes, crab holds, and bear hugs. It's almost impossible to not get an erection under these circumstances. We feel bad for Jayden, but, damn! this stuff is h-o-t!

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Chace LaChance vs. Jayden Mayne
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Jayden's token hit = failure in the long run

Mayne's back bends precipitously over Chace's knee in the backbreaker

Chace uses the broken body of his prey to show how push-ups should be done

Is Chace checking his squat form in the mirror? His magnificent physique? Or both?

Chace goes deep, squatting much less than he's probably used to

Another sacrifice offered up to the gods of muscle training and wrestling!

Jayden Mayne - 5'8, 150 lbs

Chace's big bicep peaks while his opponent suffers in an over-the-knee backbreaker

The cutie's face screws up in pain with a torturous, back-busting chinlock

Chace powers down harder with his over-the-knee backbreaker

Chace's godlike body swallows the lanky mortal's in a soul-sucking bearhug

Chace displays his total mastery over his smaller opponent's body with a suspended bodyscissors

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